JennifHsieh is a space for my rambling thoughts and snaps of my everyday style. I'm based in Astoria, Queens and I share a home with my two derpy cats and my equally derpy fiancé.

Shock Me Like an Electic Eel

I was planning on taking self-portraits with these electrical towers. I passed by them everyday on my way to elementary school in the typical, big, yellow bus so they remind me of my childhood. When I was about to head over one of my best friends called me and told me to pick him up from the train station. Therefore, I casually brought up having to take pictures for my blog and he offered to help out. After a quick lesson on how to use my camera, he got the hang of it and snapped some shots. I'm getting good at this whole enslaving my friends thing ;)

(dress wet seal, skirt some nyc boutique, belt h&m, shoes target)

I'm volunteering at a place called Better World Cafe in a couple of hours and I can't wait! It's a cafe where you can choose how much you want to pay for your food and no one is turned down. All of the workers are volunteers and no one goes hungry. If you guys are ever in the Central NJ area you should definitely check it out. :)

My friend snapped this shot above because he thought it was funny I was only a little dot. He's stupid. Plus, now you can see all the weeds and the photo location isn't as beautiful. It's all about capturing the right angle. :P

Don't forget to enter the Forever 21 Shorts giveaway by Saturday and Check out Sway while you're at it for a free gift!


  1. Your such a beauty :-)
    Love the shirt, you look totally radd! And thanks for commenting on my post! It makes me very happy :D

    Panda xx

  2. hmm your friend really seems to have a good eye for taking your photos huh? Love the shirt btw its one of the colors i wish i saw more of in my closet

  3. Love it girl!
    Love the lilac on you!
    and the pictures are cool too!
    x amber

  4. Wouldn't it be great to go back to that shoot location and wear a white flowy dress... it'll be perfect for that spot.

    Loving your skirt and the way you tied your belt... chic as always Jen. xoxo

  5. You are looking gorgeous my friend. Very pretty !!

  6. I really like your outfit!! Kiss

  7. what a cute skirt..
    so beautiful..

  8. Beautiful pictures :)

  9. These photos are just gorgeous! I love the dress as top!

  10. Wow! The field and the electrical towers are just the perfect backdrop for these photographs! You look absolutely adorable; and I NEED your skirt and belt!! :)

  11. You know, I actually really love the far away picture! The weeds are oddly picturesque. And this outfit is lovely! Simple and summery and fun!

  12. hahah, good job enslaving the friend to take these photos- they look great! i love the background. and the color of that top is so pretty on you. ~joelle

  13. Another great location! How did you find all these amazing places to take pictures at? I'm zeeaallloouuss :)

    LOL @ enslaving friends to take blog pictures! I should start doing that too. I'm too shy to pose in front of a real person, hence, self timer and a tripod are my BFFs :D

    And of course, LUV LUV LUV the outfit :)

  14. you look great! love the location!

  15. love the skirt! beautiful photos!

  16. gorgeous gorgeous pictures! wow the scenery is so breathtaking!

    great outfit :) love the skirt!


  17. My boyfriend loves taking pictures of me where I'm a little dot! It's sort of dumb, but I also sort of love it. And I love that shade of lavender on you! It's fantastic. Better World Cafe sounds wonderful--I just signed up for volunteer at the local Crisis center here because I missed volunteering so much!

    xo Jenny

  18. lovely top! and i love the pockets in the skirt! pockets are always fun! =D

  19. cute photos~ that cafe sounds amazing. i'll have to ask my central jersey friends about it. :)

  20. You have GOT to teach me this whole "enslaving friends for photos"-thing, Jen! I am in need of a photograph, but I'm too shy and embarassed.. :P

    You have a way of finding the best locations. They always compliment your outfit, for some strange reason.. ^^

    xx Sophie

  21. Awww, your purple top is such a pretty color! And haha at the ucky weeds. :D

    Oh, hey! So, I convinced my mom and she's okay with me sending you a mustache. :) so if you'd like, I can e-mail you andand yeah!

  22. So so so so cute. I love everything about these photos.

  23. is this the skirt you wore backwards in your self-portrait post? :) anyway, i love this casual outfit and the location! you're lucky that place still has its weeds :( my city had all the pretty yellow weeds mowed down! it's so sad! but i'm glad you're getting friends to take photos for you! you're so lucky! i have to stick with robert hehe!

  24. love the skirt.


  25. lovely muted colors and a great backdrop.

  26. I love the picture where you are a 'dot' - it seems very artsy, and I think the weeds make it even artsy-er!

  27. Cutie!
    And don't call your photographer stupid, he knows the angles that will make you look bad.

    P.S. I've heard of the Better World Cafe on t.v. I think it's a pretty cool idea. Good for you to volunteer there!

  28. Ha ha, love the comment about enslaving friends. I do the same to my hubby.

  29. i love these photos... you look amazing!!!

  30. last pic's my fave!and what a neat cafe, it''s nice to know that people are trying to do their best to make this world a happier place for everyone :)

  31. I actually love the far away shot! it looks kind of epic.

  32. Hey! I'm so sorry I haven't stopped by your blog in awhile - I've been so behind on blog commenting!

    You look adorable as always!

  33. Cute outfit, I love the purple top! Haha that's cool that you can get your friends to take your blog pictures, I think I'm either too scared or embarrassed to ask my friends :) What a lovely scenic backdrop as well! Wow that cafe sounds pretty cool, I hope you have fun working there!

  34. wow!!! i wish i had friends to enslave as well so i can get nice shots outdoors. instead i resort to my self timer in our backyard! hahahaha!

    i really love the concept of that cafe you're talking about.. so cool and great!

    Animated Confessions

  35. lovely so sweet n feminine...just purrfect

  36. Love the last shot! Your skirt and belt are so perfect for the surroundings and the colour of your purple top is lovely.

  37. Looking electric darling!

    ...sorry, couldn't resist.

  38. Great photos! Really amazing location. I think I really need to get more braver and take more of my own photos!

    Oh and cute outfit, love the pastel tones.

  39. wow that's a really great all of the shots jen. you look beautiful :)
    you have amazing skirts. gimme one! LOL (kidding :p)

  40. love the title of this post...and that outfit is so clean and chic. love it. great post!

  41. you're adorable :) bahah
    the weather looks so lovely. and i love the whole belted skirt look!

  42. these pictures are really pretty!

  43. These pics are really cool, I wouldn't have thought to pose next to those. Your outfit is really cute! Love the skirt. Congrats on your interview above. I'll definitely check it out :)

  44. Oh boy, you are adorable! I love this dress as skirt and the actual skirt! Your buddy is a good photographer, haha! :D The volunteer job sounds really amazing, I'm excited to hear how it goes :)

  45. I like your skirt! and i think the background is totally cool :)

    xoxo, Ashley @

  46. you look so cute i really like the skirt!

  47. i have to find me a meadow with green grass...grass here is all brown due to the look absolutely adorable here!

    ♥ vanilla ice cream ♥

  48. this is SUCH a cute outfit!!

    and i love where the photoshoot took place

  49. The keyhole top is adorable, and I love MGMT!

    Chic on the Cheap

  50. looove this outfit! very casual and feminine.

    haha, i should enlist the help of my friends for outfit photos too! and after seeing your posts, i really want to scout for locations to take my outfit photos. i just feel weird taking self-portraits in public places and stuff! i hope i can find pretty places like yours.


  51. that top is a dress?!
    never would've thought that!

    you're such an inspiration
    volunteering everywhere!
    goodluck with all your activities, dear

    love your blog so much


  52. Such a pretty outfit!! I love your skirt and the setting of your photos! xoxoxoxoox

  53. SUCH cute pictures. I love the long grass in the fields. Very sound of music. (Though, I admit, I've never even seen it!!)

    And congrats on the feature, above!^ Chocolate Chip Mint ice cream for the win!

    Thanks so much for stopping by!

  54. Love your skirt and belt Jen ! Lovely photos ! And that Better World Cafe idea is awesome . Haha . Congrats for being featured anyway ;)

  55. Gorgeous pictures! u look so summery and chic! xxx

  56. Hey jen you are looking fantastic!! Long time no see!! But Mellon Rhum is back!!!
    How you doing? Big kiss from Spain!

  57. I love the location for this shoot. You look fantastic!

    Fashion X

  58. that skirt has pockets! i love it. i just wrote a post about posing in skirts. you look wonderful.

    i follow your blog now; feel free to check out my blog and follow it too.

  59. you look absolutely adorable in these photos !
    i love the depth and blurry effect the photos had.. the grass sure did bring a nice feel to the summery look !


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