December 31, 2013
Bidding Farewell to 2013
Looking back at this past year, I can proudly and safely say that it's been one of the greatest so far. Top of the list. I took a quick glance at the list of resolutions and goals that I wrote up as 2012 came to a close and, surprisingly, I actually stuck to most of them without even looking at them.
I took another road trip down to Tennessee for the Bonnaroo music festival, which was absolutely insane. I didn't exactly master Adobe Illustrator, but I took the extra effort and took a Skillshare class to introduce myself to the basics. I didn't book a wedding photography job quite yet, but I certainly booked a surprise engagement shoot and I would count that since it's within the same realm of romance. ;) I'm slowly, but surely, learning how to accept compliments without dismissing them entirely, and finally...I'm currently on the west coast (and I'm pretty sure it's still 2013). The only goal left untouched was my wish to start practicing my violin again but who knows, maybe when I don't have roommates to bother in the future.
But, beyond my resolutions, I managed to blow this year away and I couldn't be happier about it. Take that, 2013. This past September marked my first full year living on my own in New York City with some awesome roommates (without managing to go broke). I managed to land a front row seat at New York Fashion Week and a mention in the Wall Street Journal all in the same week. I finally had my photography featured at an art show in Brooklyn and I also moderated a panel for young professionals. Career wise, I learned so much from the amazing people I work with on a daily basis and even landed my first promotion! Oh, and let's talk about all the adventures I was able to save up for? Hello, Turkey and Miami! And I can't forget Jeremy coming back from his year teaching abroad in Turkey and finding myself falling in love with him all over again.
As each day passes, I always tend to focus on the little frustrations or the myriad of thoughts that drag me back and forth between the past and the future. But now that the year has come to an end, it's nice to remind myself of the things I'm thankful for because ultimately those are the things you work for, the things that matter, the things that keep you going.
And one of those things is you. But wait, don't roll your eyes. I'm being serious right now. If I didn't meet so many awesome people in this crazy little blogosphere that we're all strangely a part of, I would have given up on JennifHsieh much longer ago. You guys know just as well as I do that blogging can get pretty tedious and it's an entire struggle in itself not to compare yourself to other bloggers, when truthfully it shouldn't even matter. But luckily, I've only come across people that support me, people I look up to, and people that I've made amazing connections with. Thank you, thank you, and thank you for everything and for coming along on these ridiculous adventures I call my life.
Thank you.
Let's cheers to another year? ;)