JennifHsieh is a space for my rambling thoughts and snaps of my everyday style. I'm based in Astoria, Queens and I share a home with my two derpy cats and my equally derpy fiancé.

March 29, 2010


I am beyond exhausted and I desperately need to just take a long, long, looooong nap. Unfortunately I still have my two upcoming exams on Thursday. Hopefully I'll start studying earlier this time rather than the night before. Wish me luck! Anyway, I'm exhausted because of my Circle K District Convention this past weekend. It was a ridiculous amount of fun and I loved it (despite the blisters from all the heels I wore). After elections I'm now officially the District Editor and I'm so excited. I can't wait for the officially Circle K year to start in a few days. I didn't get too many fantastic outfit pictures (yay business attire). I'll post some next time if I can find some decent shots. 

These photos were taken last week. My photographer and I decided to travel to the top of the on campus parking deck to snap some shots. Little did we know, the wind was furious up there so I ended up with crazy hair (like the photo above) or a crazy smile. Either way, I looked pretty crazy. 

Now I'm off to do some sleeping, studying, photo uploading. Can't wait to catch up on blogs and such! :)

(dress some boutique in europe, boyfriend cardigan delia*s, tights hue, flats uo)


March 25, 2010


Oh, did you guys want to know the winner of the Hana Professional Straightener Giveaway? 
My bad. :) 

Congratulations, Jen! I'll be contacting you shortly so be on the look out for an email!

I'll be at a convention all weekend so I won't be able to post until next week. Then I have two exams I have to study for (I have no idea what's going on in either class). Wish me luck and I'll be back soon, I promise! :)

March 24, 2010

Vintage People and Cloudy Skies

So I'm back in the swing of things, now that spring break is over, and I have to get used to taking these outfit pictures again. Every time I have a huge break in between taking photos I have to get used to the idea of posing all over again. I'll never stop finding posing awkward. :)

So I officially picked my apartment for the next school year and I'm so excited! We got the apartment we wanted so we're all pretty happy. Oh, now my head is going to full of pretty little interior decorating ideas! Not for a while though since I have both a Statistics and Managerial Accounting exam coming up next week and a Convention this weekend that I have so much left to finish for (including a 100+ slide power point, gah!) 

(l/s forever 21, belt h&m, skirt vintage, heels urban outfitters

While I was searching for an affordable dress for my convention this weekend, I became desperate. (When I dragged my friend to the mall we left empty handed, he was a good sport though and even tried on a dress himself - future blackmail? ;) ) So, in my desperation, I decided to check out a vintage/antique store in the downtown area near my house that I've passed year after year but never entered. Lo and behold there were tons of goodies and even though I didn't find a dress (I'm not bold enough to wear those crazy prom dresses from the 70's and 80's) I was able to find this lovely skirt just in time for spring.

Oh, and the meaning behind the title of the post: I was telling my friend Mark about my skirt and I explained that it was what "vintage people" wore. Kinda forgot people can't really be vintage. Whoops. :)


March 19, 2010

In the Sun and Salty Air

Yesterday, one of my best friends, Jess, and I went for a spontaneous trip down to the shore to get some pictures in the sunset. (We've been friends since the 5th grade!) We made it just in time before the sun officially disappeared (unfortunately the sun sets on the wrong side of the beach and disappears behind all the beach houses rather than the ocean). :(

My new 135mm lenses came in the mail today about an hour before I left for my trip. UPS sure has great timing, no? I'm absolutely in love with them and I can't get over how great the pictures from yesterday turned out. Sorry for the picture heavy post but I couldn't help myself!

(chambray shirt dress h&m, belt h&m, skirt urban outfitters, moccasins minnetonka)

i'm pretty sure the picture above just screams "I'M PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN" hahaha

So being at home, seeing high school friends, and experiencing lovely weather is putting me in a good mood. Hopefully it'll last for the rest of the semester and I won't die of stress. Hopefully I'll also stop procrastinating as much and manage my time better so I can update this blog more! Keeping my fingers crossed.

(In the above picture I was running for my dear life since some waves were about to crash on either side of me and soak me to the bone)

And as for my surprise shopping trip, my friend didn't mind at all and he was quite a good critic when it came to searching for dresses. I came home empty handed (that's a lie, I bought some suspenders) but hopefully I'll find a dress with my mom today. I need one by next weekend for a Club Convention; there's a formal dance and I can't wait! :)


March 17, 2010

Hello, Beautiful Weather!

So the weather outside is lovely. It's a little bit breezy and the sun is shining down and most importantly...there's no rain! :) It's supposed to stay like this for the rest of the week so hopefully I'll be able to make a trip down to the shore and relax a bit. It's not warm enough to go in the water but it's always nice to just sit on the sand and walk along the boardwalk.

(cardigan old navy, top american rag, shorts zara, tights gift from reader, ruffle flats payless, necklace forever 21)

I got these tights from one of my readers who is seriously one of the sweetest girls. She takes pictures as well so check out her flickr! Speaking of pictures, I'm currently working on my photography website. I bought the domain and everything so now I just have to work on the layout. What a pain, haha. I'm also updating my shop and giving it a whole new makeover. You guys can check it out (link at the top of my page as well) and let me know what you think! I added a few more items and hopefully there will even more within the next week or two. :)

Well I'm off to go have lunch with one of my best friends from high school and maybe I'll drag him to a mall 30 minutes away to go dress shopping (shh, I haven't told him about the mall part yet, he thinks it's just lunch). :) Thank god for Spring Break.

oh, and HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY! I'm not wearing green but don't tell anyone. 
Hana Professional Review & Giveaway

March 15, 2010

Hana Professional Review & Giveaway

Can I just start off by apologizing for my lack of posting? I'm being a pretty shitty blogger but I've been overwhelmed with pretty much everything. Luckily it's Spring Break now! Although I still have a huge workload, the lack of classes means I get to catch up on sleep! :) So to make it up to you guys I'm having a giveaway!
 A few days ago, Misikko contacted me to do a review on their Hana Professional Flat Iron. I don't straighten my hair anymore but I used to everyday back in high school; nevertheless I was excited! The product was shipped to my house within a day so I was pretty impressed with the shipping (yay for free next day shipping) and the packaging was adorable. I opened up the package to find some white roses and red ribbon and some extra little goodies thrown in! Presentation & Delivery: A+
So the first test was to straighten my hair. My hair is naturally straight but as I grew older a small wave formed. The Before picture is my hair after air drying. I set the straightener to 370°F for Medium hair (I love how I can pick the temperature, which I couldn't with my version of the CHI hair straightener). And the results...
My hair was silky smooth in approximately 3 minutes! I used a little of the Hana Shine Shield that was included with my package which actually made my hair a lot silkier! Straightening: A+
Next up I decided to curl my hair as well to see if those results would rival the results I got from my CHI Straightener...

It was a fast and easy process and my curls stayed in (it's been a few hours and they're still perfectly intact). Although I still prefer my CHI Straightener for softer curls (maybe I'm biased...), I was pretty satisfied with the curls I got from the Hana Professional. :) Curls: B+

Misikko actually offers a ton of other hair styling products such as FHI Flat Irons, CHI Hair Straighteners (that I keep on comparing the Hana to), and Professional Hair Dryers. I'll probably end up checking out the hair dryers since I usually stick to blowing out my hair when I have time in the mornings (my hair dresser scolded me about a year ago for straightening my hair so often when my hair is already straight) :(

So now...YOU GUYS have a chance to win a Hana Professional Hair Straightener! I am beyond excited that one of you guys will be receiving one as well. :)

How to Enter (Mandatory):
1) You must be a Google Friend Connect Follower, Bloglovin' Follower, and/or Chictopia Fan.
2) Leave your name and email (must be a U.S. or Canada Resident)
Extra Entries (Leave each in a separate comment):
1) Follow Misikko on Twitter (1 Extra Entry)
2) Blog about this giveaway! (1 Extra Entry)
3) Join Misikko Newsletter (3 Extra Entries!)

Good Luck and I can't wait to see who wins! I'll have an outfit post in no time, I promise. :)

p.s. Thank you to all of you guys who commented on my last post. I feel a million times better knowing that I'm not the only one who tends to live in the past. I guess it's time to stop looking back and start looking forward, as cheesy as that sounds. You guys are the reason I blog.

March 12, 2010

One of Those Nights


Do you ever have one of those nights where you just start thinking a little bit too much? Nothing seems to fit into place and everything seems to be missing. I tend to live too much in the past when I really should just let go and move on. I always think, "What if?", instead of being content with what I have.

I just need to know.

Maybe it's because I'm still a little bit sick. Maybe it's because I have so much to do even though Spring Break has officially begun. Maybe I'm just sleep-deprived. Maybe i'm just a little bit lost.

(coat forever 21, cardigan h&m, lace shirt tj maxx, belt forever 21, jeans delia*s, moccasins minnetonka, ring forever 21)

Hopefully I'll be over this slump soon.
I promise I'll post more over Spring Break and I'll get around to catching up on all of your blogs. I'm missing you guys.

p.s. I was really happy and silly when I took these pictures (so excuse the contrast between the pictures and the post). More than half the shots ended up ridiculous so I decided to post one of the silly ones for you guys. I'm sure you can tell which one it is.

March 8, 2010

Emergency Assistance

So once again I haven't been updating my blog or keeping up-to-date on all of your posts. I miss it a lot but I really have to set my priorities straight and get my homework and studying done. On top of all of that, I'm sick, so my nose is running like a faucet. Yum, right? haha. Anyway, I'm sorry for my temporary absence, it was so much easier to post over winter break and I can't wait until Spring break comes around. At least it's starting to feel like spring. It's a beautiful 60 degrees out today and the wind makes for a nice breeze. Please let it stay this way, I don't think I can handle the cold now that I've had a taste for spring!

This is one of my go-to outfits since it's so simple to put together and it's definitely a feel-good outfit. Do any of you guys have those too? The kind of outfit that you put on and you just feel confident all day.

So, while I was taking some of the elevator pictures below, the elevator opened on many occasions which made for some very awkward situations. It's kind of weird coming out of the elevator to find some random asian girl blocking your exit and posing for pictures. :P

(blazer bcx [remixed], striped shirt zara, tank urban outfitters, jeans delia's, belt italy, moccasins minnetonka, bag liz clairborne [remixed])

Here's a quick shout out to Miri from Mystique-Galmour and Jordy from Jordy's Beauty Spot for Happy 101 Awards! :) 

March 5, 2010

Meet Me Halfway

It's finally the weekend and I'm so excited! Regardless of all the work and events I have to attend to today and Saturday,  and all the homework I'm saving for Sunday, I'm not feeling stressed at all! Maybe it's because I'm running on three hours of sleep. I don't know how I'm still awake.

Please excuse the fact that I look so sketchy and sly in the picture below. I swear, I didn't mean to, but I guess I'm unintentionally creepy looking sometimes. I also look crazy in the above picture. Oh, if only you guys saw the ones that are even worse that I just never post. Maybe one day I'll have a post of all my fail pictures. :P

So a few hours ago I got to see the inside of the apartments I'll be living in next [school] year! (It's not the apartment I signed the lease for that I mentioned about a month ago. The plans for that fell through and we ended up not signing the lease). They're so spacious compared to our dorms and I can't wait to decorate the inside! I'm going to turn into the asian version of Martha Stewart (minus the insider trading) and go crazy with the interior decorating. :)

(coat american rag, cardigan h&m [remixed], l/s v-neck forever 21, tunic-turned skirt forever 21, belt unknown, tights HUE, socks anne klein, boots white mountain, bag forever 21)


March 2, 2010

Harry + Cho

When the Harry Potter movies started coming out a few years ago I knew right away that I was obviously meant to play Cho Chang (move over Katie Leung). I mean, she's asian...I'm asian, it makes sense right?Unfortunately, the auditions were over by the time I even found out they were having them. Oh well, it's not like I can act anyway and my lack of European accent doesn't help either. Don't worry Harry Potter, I'll find a way to you some how! Meanwhile I will be content being the lovechild of Harry and Cho with these super sexy glasses. Now all I need is a lightening bolt scar on my forehead.

(floral bodysuit urban outfitters, cardigan american eagle, jeans delia's, belt italy, pashmina nyc street vendor, moccasins minnetonka, glasses urban outfitters)

So remember when I said things were slowing down? I was kidding. I was just reminded of a billion more things I have yet to get done. Ahh, Spring Break, please come sooner? 

Oh! I forgot to point out how AWESOME the snow looks in these photos? I had no idea it would wave like that after the snow storm. :) Anyway, I have two packages at the mail room so off I go! 

p.s. i changed my banner since i was craving a different color. yes or no? 
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