December 31, 2010
Goodbye, 2010.
So I decided to also do a quick recap of my year outside of my blog to complement my post on my 2010 outfits. In January I got to bond with some of my favorite people during winter break - in the first picture we all went ice skating and froze our fingers off.
January was also when I got my wisdom teeth removed. If you guys remember, it was one of the worst experiences of my life. One of the holes wouldn't stop bleeding for days and my oral surgeon had to come into the office late at night so many times his fiancé thought he was having an affair! Whoops.
Robin took all of my outfit photos from here on out until June 2010 (he took my outfit pictures from Day 1 of this blog). Thanks for being there for me and making the time almost every day to snap my pictures. :)
There was a crazy awesome blizzard this month and my roommate built a (very school spirited) snowman in front of our dorm. I loved the beginning of this semester since for once I knew people in most of my classes. Later on I would discover some of those classes were hell. More specifically...I would discover that Statistics for Business (mainly, my professor) was hell:
In February it was also my first Dynamic Duo post with Jasmine, also known as the beginning of an amazing friendship. Who knew winning her bow giveaway would be the catalyst to all this!
Finally, thanks to Diane from Snapshot Fashion, Kelly and I got to see the Sheila Frank F/W 2010 show! It was my first time at a fashion show and also my first time meeting up with bloggers! Kelly actually just had a baby boy who is absolutely gorgeous.
After looking through pictures of March, I've decided that it consisted of tons of silly photo shoots. I thought the above photo captured the silliness of March pretty well (or at least if I remember it correctly).
At the end of March, I attended the annual District Convention for a student organization that I'm a part of (Circle K International). I ran for the position of District Editor and won! Here I am with the Rutgers Chapter (aka the best chapter - obviously). Love these guys. :)
April also consisted of tons of silly photo shoots (or actually...maybe 2010 was a giant silly photo shoot). On the left is Rob and on the right is Robin - at the time they were engaged in quite the epic battle.
This is me on the beach with my District Board (of Circle K - the organization I mentioned earlier). I love these people with all my heart and I love what I do with them. This was one of the first Board Bonding weekends.
In April I was also featured on IFB (thanks to a few nominations) for their weekly blogger spotlight! :)
May was basically this: Leadership Academy (which I talked about here). I've never fallen in love with people - or myself - so fast. Honestly, it was one of the best and most unforgettable experiences of my life.
So after Leadership Academy, we all went back to our separate parts of the country. We're all saps so we had crazy late night oovoo sessions to deal with our separation anxiety. I'm actually going to Illinois in less than a week to see one of them and I couldn't be more excited! :)
Kirsten and I went on an epic photo shoot this month to an abandoned farm. Hopefully we'll be doing another photo adventure this Sunday! I hate that I don't get to see her as often as I do. I love this girl to pieces.
The best thing about summer is reuniting with high school friends. Sorry for whacking you in the face Jim; I couldn't resist. Also, the worst thing about summer are bug bites (hence the band-aids to prevent me from scratching). I attract bugs. Tons of bugs.
Aware of my amateur love for photography, Kirsten suggested that we wake up at the crack of dawn to watch the annual Hot Air Balloon show take off! We tried chasing after them towards their landing location but we couldn't track them down. Next year, we'll get 'em. >:)
Another great part of the summer are the trips to the beaches with amazing friends. :)
At International Convention in St. Louis I got to reunite with my favorites from Leadership Academy. Even though I took a million pictures, I decided on this one since it pretty much sums us all up.
August also consisted of a lot of other things that I did not (and probably couldn't) capture through pictures. <3 :)
The start of my Junior year. This is a picture of me with my roommates and I couldn't have asked for better ones. This picture sums up our personalities perfectly and I love them all to death. Unfortunately, one of them (Nira) is headed for Greece for the spring semester. Our new roommate (if we get assigned one) is going to have big shoes to fill. :)
Oh, and did I forget to mention this EPIC NEW YORK WEEKEND? I finally got to meet Jasmine (!!!) in person (we even snuck in a Dynamic Duo together if you remember) and the beautiful Jenny as well! And don't even mention the other bloggers I got to meet when I attended the Chictopia Conference and After Party. Such an amazing experience. :)
I just wanted to point out Jeremy's epic penguin sweater.
Our apartment temporarily got a bunny named Luna (who is now residing with Tarah). Despite all her scratching, reckless pooping, and freak outs, she was lovable and I envied her twitching nose.
One of my most favorite, recent Halloweens. Love you guys. :)
One of my favorite memories from October was when Jeremy and I took a late night trip to the beach (the best kinds of beach trips).
At the beginning of November, NJ Circle K hosted our annual INSIGHT Retreat which was Harry Potter themed (yes, I know, absolute geeks). It was an amazing weekend and I got to meet students from all over New Jersey (as well as bond with those I already knew). One of the best parts of the weekend was definitely the desperate drive to McDonald's after midnight.
My 20th Birthday. :)
My roommates and I rarely got to hang out as a group throughout the semester thanks to our busy and conflicting schedules. Thankfully we got to fit in a girl's night out before the semester ended. We dressed up, went out for sushi, and then went crazy afterward. We also got to know our neighbors across the hall and had a strange photo shoot between our doors.
Jeremy and I spent a day in the city in the middle of December and it was amazing despite the rainfall. We spent a good portion of the day trying to get a picture together but I'm really picky with my photos and it was tough to find one that wasn't blurry or one that I liked. I actually asked a random girl on the street to take this one at the very last minute before we headed to Port Authority. It's one of my favorite pictures of 2010 and I think it's a pretty good one to end the year with. :)
I hope all of you are ringing in the new year with style.
January was also when I got my wisdom teeth removed. If you guys remember, it was one of the worst experiences of my life. One of the holes wouldn't stop bleeding for days and my oral surgeon had to come into the office late at night so many times his fiancé thought he was having an affair! Whoops.
Robin took all of my outfit photos from here on out until June 2010 (he took my outfit pictures from Day 1 of this blog). Thanks for being there for me and making the time almost every day to snap my pictures. :)
There was a crazy awesome blizzard this month and my roommate built a (very school spirited) snowman in front of our dorm. I loved the beginning of this semester since for once I knew people in most of my classes. Later on I would discover some of those classes were hell. More specifically...I would discover that Statistics for Business (mainly, my professor) was hell:
In February it was also my first Dynamic Duo post with Jasmine, also known as the beginning of an amazing friendship. Who knew winning her bow giveaway would be the catalyst to all this!
Finally, thanks to Diane from Snapshot Fashion, Kelly and I got to see the Sheila Frank F/W 2010 show! It was my first time at a fashion show and also my first time meeting up with bloggers! Kelly actually just had a baby boy who is absolutely gorgeous.
After looking through pictures of March, I've decided that it consisted of tons of silly photo shoots. I thought the above photo captured the silliness of March pretty well (or at least if I remember it correctly).
At the end of March, I attended the annual District Convention for a student organization that I'm a part of (Circle K International). I ran for the position of District Editor and won! Here I am with the Rutgers Chapter (aka the best chapter - obviously). Love these guys. :)
April also consisted of tons of silly photo shoots (or actually...maybe 2010 was a giant silly photo shoot). On the left is Rob and on the right is Robin - at the time they were engaged in quite the epic battle.
This is me on the beach with my District Board (of Circle K - the organization I mentioned earlier). I love these people with all my heart and I love what I do with them. This was one of the first Board Bonding weekends.
In April I was also featured on IFB (thanks to a few nominations) for their weekly blogger spotlight! :)
May was basically this: Leadership Academy (which I talked about here). I've never fallen in love with people - or myself - so fast. Honestly, it was one of the best and most unforgettable experiences of my life.
So after Leadership Academy, we all went back to our separate parts of the country. We're all saps so we had crazy late night oovoo sessions to deal with our separation anxiety. I'm actually going to Illinois in less than a week to see one of them and I couldn't be more excited! :)
Kirsten and I went on an epic photo shoot this month to an abandoned farm. Hopefully we'll be doing another photo adventure this Sunday! I hate that I don't get to see her as often as I do. I love this girl to pieces.
The best thing about summer is reuniting with high school friends. Sorry for whacking you in the face Jim; I couldn't resist. Also, the worst thing about summer are bug bites (hence the band-aids to prevent me from scratching). I attract bugs. Tons of bugs.
Aware of my amateur love for photography, Kirsten suggested that we wake up at the crack of dawn to watch the annual Hot Air Balloon show take off! We tried chasing after them towards their landing location but we couldn't track them down. Next year, we'll get 'em. >:)
Another great part of the summer are the trips to the beaches with amazing friends. :)
At International Convention in St. Louis I got to reunite with my favorites from Leadership Academy. Even though I took a million pictures, I decided on this one since it pretty much sums us all up.
August also consisted of a lot of other things that I did not (and probably couldn't) capture through pictures. <3 :)
The start of my Junior year. This is a picture of me with my roommates and I couldn't have asked for better ones. This picture sums up our personalities perfectly and I love them all to death. Unfortunately, one of them (Nira) is headed for Greece for the spring semester. Our new roommate (if we get assigned one) is going to have big shoes to fill. :)
Oh, and did I forget to mention this EPIC NEW YORK WEEKEND? I finally got to meet Jasmine (!!!) in person (we even snuck in a Dynamic Duo together if you remember) and the beautiful Jenny as well! And don't even mention the other bloggers I got to meet when I attended the Chictopia Conference and After Party. Such an amazing experience. :)
I just wanted to point out Jeremy's epic penguin sweater.
Our apartment temporarily got a bunny named Luna (who is now residing with Tarah). Despite all her scratching, reckless pooping, and freak outs, she was lovable and I envied her twitching nose.
One of my most favorite, recent Halloweens. Love you guys. :)
One of my favorite memories from October was when Jeremy and I took a late night trip to the beach (the best kinds of beach trips).
At the beginning of November, NJ Circle K hosted our annual INSIGHT Retreat which was Harry Potter themed (yes, I know, absolute geeks). It was an amazing weekend and I got to meet students from all over New Jersey (as well as bond with those I already knew). One of the best parts of the weekend was definitely the desperate drive to McDonald's after midnight.
My 20th Birthday. :)
My roommates and I rarely got to hang out as a group throughout the semester thanks to our busy and conflicting schedules. Thankfully we got to fit in a girl's night out before the semester ended. We dressed up, went out for sushi, and then went crazy afterward. We also got to know our neighbors across the hall and had a strange photo shoot between our doors.
Jeremy and I spent a day in the city in the middle of December and it was amazing despite the rainfall. We spent a good portion of the day trying to get a picture together but I'm really picky with my photos and it was tough to find one that wasn't blurry or one that I liked. I actually asked a random girl on the street to take this one at the very last minute before we headed to Port Authority. It's one of my favorite pictures of 2010 and I think it's a pretty good one to end the year with. :)
I hope all of you are ringing in the new year with style.