JennifHsieh is a space for my rambling thoughts and snaps of my everyday style. I'm based in Astoria, Queens and I share a home with my two derpy cats and my equally derpy fiancé.

July 31, 2011

By the Riverside

Urban Outfitters T-shirt
H&M Belt
Forever 21 Tunic/Skirt
Wedges c/o

My friend Kirsten and I decided to take a drive over to the local park while we had some extra time between our jobs to relax. Because the weather was boiling hot we couldn't help but run into the river, despite the strong current. It was definitely a challenging feat to stay standing on the slippery rocks (especially with a camera half the time) but it was definitely worth the cold water splashing all around us. We're already planning to come back with some tubes so we can tie them to the trees and sit around in the river (given that the strong current doesn't take us miles away). Maybe we'll bring some lemonade while we're at it. Deeeelicious! Now if only we could find some time to come back...

So, if you've noticed from my outfit details, this skirt wasn't always a skirt. When I first spotted it on a sale rack I was in love with the chevron-like pattern around the hem. It was originally an empire-waisted tunic where the part that goes around the boobs is scrunched up and stretchy (kind of like those shirts people used to wear that were tiny but stretched like crazy when you put them on - does anyone remember those?). I wasn't a huge fan so I snipped it off and voila! New skirt. Easy DIYs for the win! :)

P.S. Once again, I felt the need to change up my layout. I get easily bored with the same thing every day and I guess I was a little tired of the same yellow/orange pattern all over my blog. Hopefully this will be a refreshing change! Let me know what you think. :)


July 30, 2011

Review: Hana Professional 1.5" Flat Iron

So once again I have been asked to review a product from Misikko - this time it's their Hana Professional 1.5" Flat Iron. When it comes to flat irons, I only use them to curl my hair since I don't feel the need to straighten my hair (unless I'm a hot mess and there's kinks all over the place). This time around I was sent a 1.5 inch straightener and I've only ever used 1 inch straighteners, such as my reliable chi iron. I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to try out slightly bigger curls.

As usual, Misikko blew me away with their fantastic service and HANA did not disappoint with their product. I spent the rest of the day running around my house just to feel the curls bouncing around me. One of the best feelings in the world is having a great hair day and this straightener definitely gave me that. :)

Honestly, like I've said so many times before, if you're going to splurge on any sort of hair styling tools, Misikko is the place to go. Trust me. Never has a company impressed me so consistently. If you are still a little reluctant when it comes to digging into your wallet, then you should check out Misikko's Facebook page. They give away one of their products every single Friday! This past Friday they gave away an amazing hair dryer and all you had to do was like the post! :)

July 28, 2011

Baby, I'm Bad News

H&M Tank, Maxi Dress
Gap Sandals

So despite my lack of height, I have fallen madly in love with maxi dresses. I actually passed out in my maxi dress last night and I have never had a better good night's sleep (but that might also be due to my filling dinner beforehand). I'm looking forward to wearing it to death once the weather cools down, although that probably won't be for a while. As much as I love maxi dresses they are a bit suffocating for my legs when the weather is so hot and humid. 

Lately I've been missing being able to wander around my town and take crazy self-portraits (like this one). It was always a nice way for me to bond with my camera and spend some time alone. I am enjoying having my mom play a bigger part in my blog though! She's a silly photographer and she's always encouraging me to jump in my pictures. Maybe I'll take my camera out for a photo shoot this weekend. :) And it's officially one week until I get to see Jeremy! He's been studying in Turkey for the past two months and I've been missing him terribly. Seven days could not go by faster.


July 26, 2011

Love Relentlessly

Forever 21 Blouse
Modcloth Skirt
Seychelles Wedges

I'm pooped. Being a daily commuter is no easy feat and I think my exhaustion is leaving me on the brink of being sick. It's actually not too bad having to commute home from the city or within the city - the worst part is waking up and dragging yourself to the train station. Then you're sitting on this train for an hour and struggling to stay awake when all you want to do is hide under your covers again. But then you realize you can't risk sleeping since you've gotta transfer trains and you wanna be the first one out the door -  otherwise, you'll be stuck behind all the slow walkers who stand on the escalator instead of walking down it despite the giant line of people rushing to work building up behind them. This usually results in "Bitch Jen" who anxiously pushes past people, mutters quick apologies, and knocks over old women into trash cans (but not really...sort of). It also doesn't help that I have a bad case of chronic bitch face. So I apologize if you catch me whacking you out of the way in the city. I don't mean to injure you but I've got a train to catch and a lonely bed who is awaiting my arrival. Now I understand why people always look so grumpy in the city...they come across me. If you're one of those people that can remain pleasant during rush hours and slow walkers, I salute you. I, on the other hand, will continue to tear shit apart in the big apple. Hide your wife, hide your kids, because Jen's walking the streets of New York.

P.S. I am also aware that my post title has nothing to do with my post. It's just a nice little reminder for me (and for you).


July 23, 2011

Awkward Flock of Birds

Forever 21 Top
Urban Outfitters Skirt (similar)
H&M Belt
Wedges c/o

I originally wasn't going to post these pictures on my blog because of my awkwardly cut bangs - these pictures were from when I first got my bangs cut so they're shorter than my last post.  Also, my hair is still wet from my morning shower and I had a train to catch in approximately 10 minutes while taking these pictures. Normally I would prefer to take my pictures after I come home from work but that would result in a sweat-drenched outfit post. I sound so attractive right now.  The heat brings out my inner beauty and my sweat. 

I'm going to stay inside in the air conditioning and get some work done that I've been meaning to get done. Afterward, movie night with some friends, and then beach tomorrow morning to get my tan on. Burn, skin, burn! >:) Just kidding, I'll slather you up in 200 SPF sunscreen because I love you.


July 19, 2011

Kiss the Other Side

So I just have to say, before I say anything else, that the midnight premiere of Harry Potter last week was kind of beyond epic. It's the end of an era and the beginning of a legend. It's hard to believe that Harry Potter made up half of my life and I've grown up with both the books and the movie. I saw it again last night with my friends from home but I think that's enough for me for now. Another $10 for a ticket is kind of over doing it.

And I know everyone has been saying this recently, but how gorgeous is Neville? I've still got the hots for Snape though since he's just my type. Awkward. <3

Forever 21 Sweater
H&M Belt
ASOS Dress
Shoes c/o

So my blunt bangs are growing on me (and slowly growing out as well) but I think after a while I'm going to go back to my side-swept bangs. Don't fix something that was never broken! A temporary change is always nice but I like sticking to the familiar when it comes to my hair. Plus, I'm pretty sure these bangs are making me look twenty times more Asian than I did before.


July 14, 2011

Dynamic Duo Steps Out in Floral

Corny blog post title? I agree. Regardless, Jasmine and I really did step out in floral in our floral sandals. I've been meaning to get a new pair since the strap on my last pair decided to snap and these are fulfilling their duties wonderfully as their replacement sandals. I adore the little floral pattern since it gives plain, white sandals that little extra something. I love that Jasmine and I decided to go different routes for once in terms of our color palettes. I went for something more natural and she went for those light, summery pastels.

If you're new to my blog, Jasmine and I collaborate on Dynamic Duos from time to time where we take an item and style it up in two different ways. Check out all of our posts and even head alllll the way back to the first post to see how it all began. :)

Forever 21 Striped Top
H&M Skirt
Urban Outfitters Sandals

Zara T-Shirt
American Apparel Skirt
H&M Belt
Urban Outfitters Sandals

But now I'm off to go catch the midnight premiere of the final Harry Potter episode. Is anyone else as upset as I am that it's going to be over? I was considering being a dork and painting my nails yellow and black (I'm obviously a Hufflepuff) but I think I'll stay away from looking like a bunch a bees landed on my fingers. My boyfriend is currently in Turkey and he already saw Harry Potter yesterday - I'm kind of hating on him.



July 12, 2011

Marching On

This is one of my favorite outfits that I've worn recently mainly because of the length of the skirt. I've been loving longer skirts these days, especially since you get fewer sketchy glances from random men in the city. Plus, you can pass out on the train without the fear of accidentally flashing someone if you toss and turn. That's always a plus. Always.

This is going to be my last outfit post before you start seeing my new bangs in my pictures. They're slowly growing on me...but very slowly. I just wish they would get longer faster. Blunt bangs are also a bang in the summer since I sweat a lot on my forehead (so attractive) and the bangs just make it worse. If you guys ever decide to go for blunt bangs, wait until the weather cools down so you don't melt in 100 degree weather!

Forever 21 Blouse, Ring
H&M Skirt
Jessica Simpson Heels

Last tonight, since it's currently Restaurant Week in NYC, I met up with my friend Jim to grab some fancy food for cheap after we both got out of work. Apparently there's a fantastic Scandinavian place called Aquavit that is booked for the next two weeks; however, Jim spotted a opening for last tonight so we snatched it up. The food was delicious and beautifully cooked to perfection...but let's just say that from my experiences (and my preferences) I would take KFC Chicken over a 5-start restaurant any day of the week. <3

Guest Post: Boticca

July 10, 2011

Guest Post: Boticca

Ever since I started working I have had a problem making my wage packet last until the end of the month. It’s like a race with me; once it’s in my bank account I have to see how quickly I can spend it. So after years of begging my parents for extra cash at the end of the month, I recently had a style epiphany. I realized that the one fail-safe way for me to get more mileage out of my ensembles was to accessorize, in particular with scarves and necklaces. Of course there is the school of thought that I should simply stop shopping but that’s never going to really happen.

I pretty much stumbled upon the use of designer scarves. Always a practical option in London’s temperamental weather it was only when my friend complemented me on my ‘new’ dress that I realized how a simple fashion scarf could jazz up or even dress down an outfit. Currently I am sporting a blue and white polka dot lovely from and I’ve never felt smugger on an unseasonably cold day.

Next on my list of ultimate transformation tools is the not so humble necklace. As someone who can’t claim to have a set ‘style,’ on days when I feel a little rock and roll, a chunky necklace or even a studded necklace leap into my hand but for days when I’m feeling more Park Avenue Princess, there is nothing better than a simple white gold necklace or long silver pendant to complete my ensemble. Voila, two looks in one.

So there you have it boys and girls, being stylish needn’t cost the earth. Trust me, I’ve been on both sides of this fashion theory and never has there been a wiser investment than the simple designer scarf or designer necklace. 


July 8, 2011

Bang Bang

It's Friday and I'm still being a fail blogger! I wore this outfit earlier in the week to work but my heels stayed in my bag as I ran around the city in my trusty flats. I bought these new, tan, "city flats" from Gap that fold up to fit in your bag. They're pretty much just like ballet shoes but with thicker soles attached to the bottoms. Conclusion: I'M BUYING ANOTHER PAIR. They're fantastic, comfortable, and stay on my feet - no more sore soles for me! Hopefully they're still on sale. I'll make my brother take me to Gap when he picks me up from the train station. They remind me of my ballet years when I was younger. I wasn't horrible at it but I never had the patience to actually practice. I don't think I understood the concept of dancing and that practice makes perfect...especially when it comes to ballet. I thought it was just for fun (plus I was a huge fan of those tutus).

Gap Chambray Shirt
H&M Polka-dot Tank
Urban Outfitters Skirt
Finale Heels

So I probably won't debut it for a few days on my blog, but I got an impromptu haircut a few days ago. I got out of work early, met up with my friend Rob, and then had the brilliant idea of getting my bangs trimmed. I've had pretty much the same haircut since my sophomore year of high school and I love it to death; however, sometimes it's nice to change things up a bit. I decided to get blunt bangs instead of my usual side-swept bangs. Bad idea. The hairdresser cut them too short and uneven, and when I went to my usual hairdresser for help she even said there wasn't much she could do. All I could do was wait for them to grow out. Alas! This is probably a sign that I shouldn't betray my usual, trustworthy hairdresser. I've learned my lesson. Dear Bangs, please grow faster!

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