April 30, 2012
Spin Me Out of Control
Today was my last day of classes as an undergraduate (and I'm pretty sure for the rest of my life). It feels kind of bittersweet but it still hasn't kicked in yet. I'll probably wake up tomorrow at the same time I always do and start packing up my bag for class. As much as I dread going to classes, taking notes, and doing homework, I know one day I'm going to miss it terribly. The life of a student is fantastic and we don't even realize it while we're students. Our main responsibility is to learn. To learn. It can't get much better than that.
Gap Striped Top
American Apparel Skirt
Kenneth Cole Reaction Wedges
Graduation is quickly approaching in two weeks and I can't believe it's already here. My cap and gown are sitting in a corner of my room still waiting to be taken out of its package. I refuse to have it hanging in my closet, staring at me and reminding me of what's to come. I already got two finals out of the way early (thanks, professors!) and all that's left is one final next Monday and two take-home exams. After that there's just a week of parties, celebrations, and nights we'll never want to forget. I'm scared to leave but I'm so incredibly excited for the future.