JennifHsieh is a space for my rambling thoughts and snaps of my everyday style. I'm based in Astoria, Queens and I share a home with my two derpy cats and my equally derpy fiancé.

October 30, 2011

A White Halloween

It's snowing. In October. I'm not sure what's going on with the world right now but I'm loving the snow-covered city outside of my window. I guess Fall decided to dress up as Winter for Halloween this year. :) I dragged Jeremy outside into the bitter cold for a bit to take pictures - when would I ever have another chance to take pictures in the snow in OCTOBER?

I'm gonna keep this post short and sweet since I have to go and run a lot of errands today. Hope everyone has an amazing Halloween tomorrow! :)

H&M Jacket
Forever 21 Scarf, Jeans, Earmuffs
Joe Chambray Shirt
Vintage Cardigan
Blowfish Vance Booties


October 27, 2011

Maxed Out

Two posts in a row? Yeah, that's right.

I have a few minutes to relax between my hectic schedule today so I'm taking the time to post this outfit I never got around to posting. The weather was obviously a lot nicer when these pictures were taken then it is today. The sky has been gray all day, rain has been falling on and off, and it's just an overall gloomy day. At least my mood isn't gloomy, partially since I'm wearing my new sweater with horses all over it. I feel a little childish in it but who cares. Horses FTW.

H&M Cardigan, Maxi Dress
Forever 21 Belt
Gap Sandals
Urban Outfitters Ring, Bag

Well I'm about to run off and grab dinner and maybe pick up a few, last minute supplies for my halloween costumes for this weekend. I'm so excited - you guys have no idea. I can't wait to show you guys my costumes! What are you guys being? 

Oh, and I snuck in a picture of me and Jeremy into this post (see below). I did a ghetto self-timer and propped my camera on top of my bag to get the right angle. Looking at it makes me want to take more black and white pictures. :)


October 26, 2011

Through the Fog

I've been absent in the blogging world for the past week because of midterms and other various responsibilities but now that the majority of them are done I'm taking a night off to catch up on all my non-academic responsibilities. It's been exhausting and stressful but now Halloween Weekend is finally here and I can't wait. I already have my costumes planned out and all I need to do is hit up the craft store for some last minute supplies. Apparently it's supposed to snow a bit on Saturday though - snow before Halloween? What's going on??

Gap Cardigan
H&M Polka-dot Top
Skirt from NYC boutique
Blowfish Vance Booties

The one depressing thing about Halloween is the fact that I'm just a little too old to be trick-or-treating. My boyfriend and I went last year for the fun of it and we got a couple of weird looks (probably also because he's super tall and definitely doesn't pass as a kid). I guess I'll just have to buy my own candy from here on out or wait until I have kids of my own so I can steal their candy. >:)


October 20, 2011

Bright Eyed & Free

Can I just how much I adore these shoes? When Jasmine was visiting the East Coast a few weeks ago we came across these bad boys at Urban Outfitters while we were looking for our Dynamic Duo skirt. I was so tempted to buy them but then I didn't since I realized my bank account wasn't looking too good. But a few days later, Jasmine sent me a link to them online and they were on sale! At that point, I told myself it was a sign and picked them up. I know they look orange in these pictures but in reality they're a beautiful peach color - I'll take better pictures of them next time I wear them so you guys can see. :)

Gap Chambray Shirt
H&M Tank Top
Forever 21 Jeans
Urban Outfitters Necklace, Shoes

About two weeks ago, Kirsten came up to visit me and our other friend from high school, Diane. We rarely get to hang out as a group so it was awesome getting to spend time with them. Whenever we hang out we just continuously eat and I love it. That night I had two dinners, a snack, and then a midnight dinner. After we all woke up, we headed on over to iHop for even more ridiculous amounts of food and then drove over to a botanical garden owned by my university for photos. I know I'm posting these way late but Kirsten snapped a few shots of my outfit that day. :)


October 18, 2011

Monday Night Study Session

I'm currently taking a study break from my study session at the library. It feels kind of weird since I never study at the library (or, as my friends would say, I just don't study in general). I always find myself passing out on my books so I study in my apartment to avoid falling asleep in public. I'm starting to work really well in the library though since it forces you to be quiet and I don't get distracted my by food-packed refrigerator. Now that I've mentioned my refrigerator though, I'm suddenly craving my midnight snack and my stomach just grumbled. Damn.

Forever 21 Sweater, Jeans
Zara Shirt  
c/o Blowfish Vance Booties
Urban Outfitters Ring

I just got these booties from Blowfish Shoes and I'm in love. I'm not even kidding - I might actually be in love. I can't get over how tall I am in them! I've never had shoes this high that didn't kill my feet just by walking a few feet. The heel is thick and there's also a ridged bottom so there's no slipping for me! I've always seen girls in similar shoes that rave about how comfortable they are and I always think to myself, there's no way she's actually comfortable. Now I'm one of them. We're all hypocrites one way or another though, aren't we?

Every time I wear these shoes (or any other shoes with a heel) I have to adjust to the height difference. The biggest thing is sitting down - my butt has a longer way to go in order to reach the chair and it always throws me off. Has anyone else ever notice that before? Oh, the little problems in life. The best part about these shoes is that I'm suddenly taller than all of my friends. Who's the shortest one now?? >:)

Fall Street Style on Campus

October 13, 2011

Fall Street Style on Campus

So in my office I'm currently working on an online magazine for students by students, specifically at my University! My most recent article was one on Fall Street Style on campus so I thought I'd share it with you guys since it's something a bunch of you might be interested in reading. Personally, I would just look at it for the pictures. ;)  Click here to check it out!

October 12, 2011

Hello, Early Weekend!

I never wear this sweater as much as I would like to but it's always a great pick-me-up since it's a beautiful color and the sleeves are just the right length to keep my hands warm. I swear, the perfect long-sleeves are the ones that end right before they hit your fingers. So, so, so cozy. The one problem with this sweater though, is that it's knitted loosely so there's plenty of holes for the wind to come breezing in. I sort of solved the problem by picking up one of those UNIQLO Heattech t-shirts the last time I was in the city that are supposed to generate heat as you move. I'm still not sure if they work all that well but it's definitely warmer with it then without it.

Topshop Sweater
Urban Outfitters Skirt, Bag
HUE Tights
Rocket Dog Boots via TJ Maxx

My only class today was cancelled and since I only have classes Monday-Wednesday I now have a five-day weekend! My weekend is still jam packed with a million and one things but it's still really nice being done with classes earlier than expected. One of the things I'm most excited for are the Homecoming Bed Races at my University! I did them last year and this year I'm doing it again with some of my co-workers! Our bed is going to be Nyan Cat themed since we're all internet geeks. I'll post pictures if I can! It'll be ridiculous.


October 10, 2011

Panthera Pardus

I was always hesitant to wear leopard print in the past because of the boldness of the pattern. Plus, I never pictured myself as being able to pull it off without looking ridiculous. Recently, however, I've been gravitating towards it and I'm finding more subtle ways to wear it, such as this tank top. I love that it takes all the autumn tones in my outfit and spices them up a bit. Definitely a step outside of my comfort zone - but a good step. :)

H&M Cardigan, Belt
Love Culture Tank Top
Zara Skirt
Urban Outfitters Bag
Blowfish Flats

Now that we're well into October, everything is just getting crazier and crazier. I swear, the list of things to do is growing way faster than I'm crossing things off of it. I need to stop overbooking myself but it's hard to do so when I make everything my top priority. My prioritizing needs some work! One of the things I'm most excited for though is apple picking with my roommates on Friday! It's such a nice Autumn activity and our separate schedules are always conflicting so it's hard to find time for all of us to spend together. There will definitely be pictures from that so check back! What are some of your favorite things to do when autumn rolls around?


October 8, 2011

An Early Christmas

My favorite thing about the weather getting colder is sweaters, sweaters, sweaters. I might sound like a crazy sweater lady (do those exist?) but I probably am one. I picked up this sweater from Forever 21 the other day and I'm in love with it. It's seriously the coziest thing I own and it reminds me of Christmas which makes me crave some snow already! I'm already excited to wear my ear muffs and bundle up. But then again, I know when it's freezing cold outside, I'm going to start complaining and wishing it was summer. Human beings, never satisfied with the present.

Forever 21 Sweater, Skirt, Sunglasses
Jessica Bennett Wedges c/o wayfair

Last night I got to catch up with two of my friends from home (one goes to the same college as me) and it was nice since it's hard for all of us to find time to spend together. We grabbed (multiple) dinners, watched one of my co-worker's comedy shows, and then passed out in front of a movie with some pumpkin beer. I swear, I'm obsessed with pumpkins when Fall rolls around. I grabbed some pumpkin ice cream while I was at work the other day and I was in heaven from the first bite all the way to the last bite. Now all I need is to have some pumpkin pie, a pumpkin latte, and pick a pumpkin of my own. But now I'm off so we can all grab some brunch and have a photo shoot (pictures to come later)! I'm in love with October.


October 3, 2011

Take The Breath That's True

This is one of my favorite outfits that I've worn recently - I don't think I've ever worn so many shades of brown at one time. Even my backpack is brown. Overkill? Perhaps - but I love it anyway.

The weather has been getting chillier lately and I'm starting to see my winter coats reappear in my closet. I'm excited to layer my clothes again and unpack my tights. There's nothing like trying to stay warm while wrapped up in a cozy blanket and a hot cup of milk tea. But then again, there's also nothing like trying to stay warm when you're outside in freezing cold weather and you realize you've forgotten your scarf and hat in your apartment. I guess there's pros and cons to all the different seasons. Fall has always been my favorite season due to the changing leaves and the crisp, fresh air. I might also be a little biased since my birthday is during the Fall season but that's beside the point. There's also Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas is right around the corner! Fall has got it all! :)

Urban Outfitters Crop Top
ASOS Dress
Rocket Dog Boots via TJ Maxx

And have you guys checked out the new changes to Blogger? I'm in love with my new dashboard - the design is clean, sleek, and so much more efficient. I'm also loving the numerous new ways to view blogs. If you want to check it out, all you have to do is add "/view" to the end of a blog's url. For example, check out to check out how my blog would look in all the different view options! Personally, I love how easily it makes it to see your old entries without having to click on "Older Entries" fifty times. What do you guys think?

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