JennifHsieh is a space for my rambling thoughts and snaps of my everyday style. I'm based in Astoria, Queens and I share a home with my two derpy cats and my equally derpy fiancé.

See You Later, Alligator

If you're reading this then...surprise! I'm currently in the lovely state of Illinois to visit my friend Eric and to attend a lovely Circle K event. I keep telling myself I'll be able to blog once I'm there but I can't guarantee it so I'm warning you guys now! I'll be taking outfit pictures while I'm there, though, so no worries. I'll be back the 10th! :)

In a while, Crocodile. 


  1. Cute blog!
    I have a blog too, I hope u'll be one of my followers on bloglovin:-)

  2. Have fun in Illinois! I used to live there, dude. You'll have to let me know which region you visited!

  3. Hope you're having a blast and it's warm!


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