JennifHsieh is a space for my rambling thoughts and snaps of my everyday style. I'm based in Astoria, Queens and I share a home with my two derpy cats and my equally derpy fiancé.

Secret Hiding Spot

Whenever my photographer is busy (or sleeps in too late), I always resort to taking self-portraits. I'm really insecure when it comes to taking pictures and I get embarrassed easily. People walking by probably think I'm full of it! If only I could explain to them why I'm taking multiple shots of myself. But anyway, whenever I have to take self-portraits, I always take them in the same spot: a little alcove dug into the ground which leads to a basement door. That way I can hide from the world. So if you ever see pictures in this spot (like in this post), you know they're self-portraits.  I promise next time it'll be in a more interesting location. :)

(l/s v-neck forever 21, skirt random boutique in NYC, belt h&m, tights asos [remixed], shoes Reaction by Kenneth Cole)

I'm actually wearing this skirt backwards (shh). You can't tell since the zipper is in the back (I'm not fond of it in the front) and I thought I was so sneaky and clever until I realized this skirt had huge pockets in the original front. You can tell in a few of these pictures. Oh well, I can start a trend. :) 

Also, I'm in love with these shoes. I put them on and stomp around the dorm, even when I'm studying. It's the first time I splurged on a pair of shoes. They were a total of $70 (originally $80). Alright, alright, I know. Normally splurging on shoes would consist of an amount in the hundreds or thousands but I'm a broke college student and shoes generally aren't my thing. 

Yesterday was the March of Dimes walk (thank you to my two sponsors - especially Taylor for all the shout outs! I have no idea who the second one was because I accidentally deleted the email before looking at it, so let me know if it was you!) It was on the boardwalk so it was absolutely gorgeous, however it was chilly and rainy and I was inadequately dressed. Whoops! 

p.s. check out my formspring :) 


  1. I love it!
    -- Malou.

  2. Hi,Jen! Beauriful as usual and also as usual I love your tights.(Well,not only...) See ya! ;)

  3. You are so brave Jen. You venture out into the world to click your own pictures. I must admit that I can never do that, I am chicken you see, a very large chicken at that! You look so pretty in black and white, I just look bland when I wear monochromatic colors. Oh well! I can look at you and just wish that me was you. Loads of love!! :)

    Keep smiling,,,,

  4. That first photo is especially gorgeous, Jen! I'm in love with this simple and chic color palette and with those shoes, too!

  5. Jen I absolutely adore this outfit. Everything from head to toe is adorable!

  6. oh you are so cute! love the tights!

  7. i think the skirt is super cute on backwards!

  8. Cute! Too bad that skirt has pockets because otherwise it looks great backwards.

    And FWIW I still consider $80 a shoe splurge!

  9. I always feel silly when I have to take my own pictures, too!
    Those shoes are so cute! Worth the money, too, because they'll go with everything. plus they look comfy!

    Maybe your trend will catch on! Jeans have butt pockets, why can't skirts!?

  10. Hahahah!!! Embarrasment is the reason why I use polyvore!
    Thank you for your comment. I bought the black paper bag waist skirt at ETSY... I am not sure but it wasn't that expensive, check out babooshka it has tons of good quility things.
    MMM! Where is the weather forecast!
    I may get the chance to fly to NYC on September...... can't wait!!
    Big kiss!!

  11. Those shoes are previous Jen!!!!! And thanks for the sweet comment, I really hope it'll come true one day! Haha. Happy Monday!


  12. Hey it's Ashley! I'm in love with your sense of style. And don't worry about your sense of splurging. I splurged $72 on a pair of flats. Then again, we are both college students... Marvelous post!

  13. I totally know what you mean about the self portraits thing...that's why whenever I use my tripod I either take pictures on my room or out on our balcony.
    & I love those shoes! I am in dire need of some wedges.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. This is such a beautiful outfit!! It really suits you :) I need a place like that!! I get so embarrassed as well, I always end up running around the corner away from oncoming people and then feeling even more stupid ;p <3

  16. Those shoes are awesome! I know how you feel, being a poor college student (with no job in my case!) limits how much you spend so while other bloggers feel like $80 is nothing, that's sort of a luxury for me!
    I've accidentally worn a skirt backwards too--someone actually pointed out that the pockets were in the back... pretty embarrassing...
    I wish I had someone to take my pictures (or even a tripod) but I'm waiting until summer to get any of those things (when I don't have to worry about school expenses or food!).
    Lovely outfit! :)

  17. Lovely images and I love the setting of this pictorial. Your outfit is so cute. I love the skirt and the tights. xoxo

  18. whenever harry is not around, i just take photos by my window or just outside our door...but oh i'm so tempted to drag my tripod and camera to this wall near our apartment..just too shy to do so..hehe.

    yes, i am also in love with your shoes..:D

    ♥ vanilla ice cream ♥

  19. Haha I feel super embarrassed to take pictures on my own, so I usually resort to rooftop pictures. I love your skirt and shoes! I didn't even notice the skirt was backwards until you mentioned it :)

  20. I'll wear my next skirt backwards as well, and everyone can just follow suit. :) I've been lucky thus far to have a constant photographer, because I would find a crawlspace just as you have to take pictures. I'd feel embarrassed taking them out in public or something. But posting my outfits online... that's totally different ;) love your shoes!!

  21. really cute pose and outfit jen :)
    you hv pretty smile

  22. cute cute cute stockings!! i love this outfit so classic in black and white

  23. major, major shoe envy. those are bomb.

    Don't forget to enter my custom elastic waistband skirt giveaway!

  24. Love the skirt with the belt (I am a sucker for skirts with belts - its an obsession). I hear you about taking self portraits. Other than my own front yard, I haven't been brave enough to do them in public!

  25. Pockets in the back! Hell yeah!!! haha

    I'm the same, I get totally self conscious taking photos of myself around my house let alone somewhere public! Muchos admiration for you :)

    And lurrrrve the shoes!

  26. I hear you on the taking pics by yourself dilemma! But I think this is a lovely spot you found though, it looks really enclosed and private!
    For my latest post, I actually took my tripod and camera to the park near my house. I was being really sneaky and tried to find the most inconspicuous spot to take the pics! I felt so silly:)

    Anyway, really loving your skirt and the way you wear it backwards! I think you have the cutest skirt collection!!


  27. Great outfit! Also, I love the location, don't feel like you need to improve it when you're on your own! :)

  28. As you've chosen the right colours to complement the location, you don't have to worry. The total look is great.

  29. oh i really love the way you take your photos! your outfit is perfect. i've been looking for tights like those (i had heart tights that were really cute but they got all stretched out in the washing machine. sad.).

    oh my gosh, i HATE having other people take my picture too! i get really self-conscious about it also...i like that you have a special place to take self-portraits. i mean, i take mine in my room because i'm too embarrassed to go outside and take them! haha. people probably think we're silly, but ahh well.


  30. cute!! i love

  31. so cute. love the belt on the skirt.

  32. so cute. love the belt on the skirt.

  33. hahaha jen! i did notice the pockets in the first photo! but a zipper in the front could be awkward... :) ah well, you can pull off anything you wear! wee! i LOVE LOVE LOVE your tights! you're so adorable in these photos<3

  34. what a cute outfit!! you are totally adorable!

  35. ooohh.. you are just too adorable for words dear!!!! :D i love this whole look! :D

  36. you look sooooo adorable! i love your outfit + THE SHOES. and i know what you mean about $70 being a splurge. i don't even have money for THAT as a college student.

  37. You're probably sick of me (and everyone else) telling you how cute you look .. BUT YOU ARE SO CUTE!

  38. A few things about this post:

    ~You are lovely!
    ~Your tights are lovely!
    ~These shoes are awesome (so jealous!!)
    ~This place is awkwardly nice, it makes you look brighter :)
    ~I know how it feels when we don't have a photographer and we don't want to look silly :P

    xoxox, have a great day!

    P.S.: Check out my blog and see my fashion post - like an interpretation of what inspires me in fashion blogs :) Yours, obviously included!

  39. Yayay Jen! I love the fact that you mixed brown and black colors here - so fabulous! And you can definitely start a new trend with pockets in the back!! :)

  40. what a gorgeous outfit, I love your tights rather a lot x

  41. haha, i know how you feel about self-portraits. I take mine in my alley and I have a few neighbors who REALLY like to show up out of nowhere when I take my photos. It's like they know my schedule! hahaha.. Anyways, I love this black&white outfit, especially how the skirt stands out amongst the black :) those wedges are so cool, i'm sure they're pretty comfy too ;)

  42. so cute and chic- love the b&w. skirt is awesome!

  43. beautiful as always! ooh you own the prettiest black wedges i've ever seen girl! love it to the max.

  44. this outfit is so lovely dear!
    your shoes looks very comfortable


  45. i love your wedges!

  46. You look like an absolute doll! Gorgeous!


  47. i once wore a skirt backwards that also had pockets on it only i didn't know it was backwards! i didn't realize until waay later on in the day.

    lovely outfit!

  48. love ur outfit and these self-portraits came out great, jen!:) cute shoes, too!

  49. Love the outfit, fun and simple. That skirt goes well with the love heart tights.

  50. i love this look. esp the skirt and that belt..
    btw i think u're not short jen, i'm shorter than u. my height is 154 cm..
    awwww so shame....

  51. LOVE the shoes!
    I'm pretty sure I've done that with a skirt too! Pesky pockets, but I love skirts with pockets so much!

  52. jen you look great, and actually you look really comfortable in these pictures1 also if you haven't said it, I wouldn't have noticed you were wearing the skirt backwards!

    and about my wavy hair, it really looks perfect when wet, but when it dries.. not so much, only trouble!! --'


  53. I love your skirt!..Very nice blog!..I follow you ;)

  54. I always feel so weird to when I go outside with a tripod to make outfit pictures! one time a guy actually came up to me and asked if I was taking pictures of the house I was standing in front of. I said "No, of myself." He then looked at me very weirdly and walked away. Too awkward haha!

  55. Lovely outfit! The tights with little hearts are so incredibly precious.

  56. These pictures are great! The location is just as interesting as any other post you have--it looks great. You take pictures by yourself so well. I still feel embarressed even WITH my photographer (aka Boyfriend). I absolutely love this outfit


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