JennifHsieh is a space for my rambling thoughts and snaps of my everyday style. I'm based in Astoria, Queens and I share a home with my two derpy cats and my equally derpy fiancé.

Lawnmowers and Hikers

It's hot outside. I'm craving a trip to the beach but none of my friends dare to go to the beach on Memorial Day weekend; parking is impossible and finding a decent spot on the beach will be hell. Why does the weather have be perfect for the shore this weekend? Why?!?

As you can see, it took some time for me to get the hang of self-portraits without a remote. The first few pictures aren't completely focused while the rest of the pictures are. I realized I would have to use manual focus instead of auto focus and it worked a lot better. 

While taking pictures I thought it'd be funny if I took a shot of me jumping. Right after taking the shot, I turned around, and the lawnmower was staring at me. Definitely didn't realize he was mowing the lawn. By the way, I'm at a park near my house. You'll see a lot more of my town with my summer pictures. 

I'm now going to try to enslave all my various friends as photographers. More and more of them are slowly learning about my blog and it's hard to keep it hidden from my friends. I'm learning to stop being so embarrassed about it as well.

You know what I haven't done in a while? A good ol' giveaway. I'm gonna start concocting some ideas! :)

(cardigan delia's, dress we move vintage, belt delia's, shoes reaction by kenneth cole, bracelet forever 21)

Oh! And just a quick shout out to my newest sponsor, Aimi Boutique! They have the cutest apparel, shoes, and accessories (it's where Jasmine got the Robot necklaces for our latest Dynamic Duo)! Check them out! (could that sentence have any more links? haha)


  1. Aww this is too adorable :) You and Jasmine are probably the cutest dynamic duo EVAR. I'm kind of... embarassed about my blog still, but people are finding out about it. It's hard to NOT be awkward about it when you're asked in person about it. I'm going to have to recruit some friends to take photos for me soon too! They're all moving away for school, boo!!!

  2. have a blast over your summer holiday, and while the beach may be too crowded, you might wanna check out some outdoor pool?atleast, that's what I used to do in Dubai :)

  3. i love aimi boutique.. i stumbled upon it thru jasmine's post too and the site is so cute!! :D affordable pieces too! :D

    that dress is so cute on you, dear!1 cant wait to see more of your neighborhood! :D if there was one thing about summer that i loved the most, it would be the possibility of more outdoor photos! :D yay!

  4. Wow the print on your dress is adorable, and I love your shoes! Haha I've been stuck taking self-timer pictures in front of the same background forever, probably because I'm too embarrassed to ask my friends to take my outfit pictures, then having to explain why I need my outfits photographed :)

  5. Aww! I love your dress pattern, so cute. I agree, you should definately enslave you friends as photographers! :D

  6. Have to agree with everyone and say that I love the fish print. Tooo adorable. And I love jumping shots! And it's all too embarrassing when someone random sees you do them... but they're so much fun if you get a good one :)

  7. yay for our sponsor!! :) i am in love with this post jen! i can't wait to see more of your town this summer! your dress is so quirky and cute! how is it hot there when i had to wear tights today? ridiculous! your bracelet is gorgeous too!

  8. very girly, cute look! and I love this background!

  9. great pictures!
    nice dress and i love your blog so much... :)

    followed your blog, mind to follow/visit my blog back??

    .a little princess.

  10. your just the cutest thing- I adore these.


  11. Cute dress hun! =)

  12. Jen, you are so freakin' adorable! I don't think you have any reason to be "embarassed" about your blog. :)... but then again... not too many of my friends know about mine (just the close ones), so maybe I kinda understand what you mean. Congrats on your new sponser. Yipee!

    xx Love & Aloha

  13. Jen you are super stylish! Love this look, the dress is just too cute! Congrats for the new sponsor :D

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. This is such a cute outfit :D :D

    LOL! A few boys from Uni know that I blog .. it embarasses me when they talk about it. I have absolutely no idea why though :|

  16. i loveee ur dress :)) simplee and chic :)) !!
    i love ur blogg :)) !! keep updatingg!!


    secret of life

  17. I'm in love with the whole outfit! Everything seems to be perfectly designed for you :) The prints on the dress, the cardigan, the bracelet (beautiful!!), the shoes :) I loved!

    This park is gorgeous and we do want to see more of the places near where you live :)

    Have a great weekend and have fun at the beach if you go there.
    Thanks for the sweet comment and your support! I'll be free from college this semester in less than 3 weeks (I've started the coutdown!) and until there I'll try to drop by here to post some comments.
    xoxo, Larysse

    Muito Igual a Você

  18. I love the print on that dress and paired with those sandals? Perfection!

  19. Love the fishy dress jen! :)

  20. You look fab! Love the dress. =)

  21. i love the prints on your dress! so cute!
    great oufit (:

  22. fab look jen! that dress is so cute! hope you have a great weekend :)

  23. ahhh! i've missed seeing your blog while i've been away. thank you for your sweet comments--i really enjoy them!

    and...that dress!!! phenomenal jen! hope you have an amazing memorial day weekend!

  24. jen, i love how natural those pics are. you look adorable!!! my favorite stuffs are the sandals and the cardigan.!! very inspiring look!!

  25. Love the shoes and bracelet. And that dress is adorable. Unexpected but so you!

    And haha...I must have read your mind because for next Wed. I hinted that you might have a giveaway, soon.
    Now that message sounds cryptic to anyone who reads!

  26. I love this entire look, its so simple, but print looks amazing!
    Congrats on the sponsor, and i know what you mean about not telling your friends! But your blog is awesome, so you should have nothing to be embarrassed about :)

  27. I love your dress Jen! I love the adorable print--and it's such a beach going dress too. I think you should convince your friends to brave the Memorial Day crowds!

    xo Jenny

    (PS Bikini shots, plz.)

  28. Such a pretty dress! Love the print!

  29. this look is soooo pretty !
    love the bracelets jen !

    have a great weekend !

  30. Gorgeous look, darling!

    Very chicly belted!


  31. i want your shoes.

    i would even pay for the shipping

  32. Ah, I LOVE your shoes! And the print on your dress literally makes me think of the beach - gorgeous!! :)

  33. OH darling you look amazing in that first picture you really do!!! The hair I feel like you’re a stylish CIA agent with that’s mystery surrounding you wow!!!

    I love all you photos I really do I love your style so clean and chic…..and yes the smell of coffee is delicious lol!!…………have a wonderful weekend

    Love Dye♥

  34. lovely lovely outift, need those shoes! x

  35. You are the cutest ever, Jen!
    I love the dress with fishes and all^^
    A giveaway sounds GREAT! ;D

    xx Sophie

  36. I'm totally infatuated with your outfit here. This is a beautiful way to pull of a white dress. Awesomely accessorized.


  37. very cute look, the shoes are gorgeous

  38. you look lovely! awesome shoes.

  39. ah you're such a little cutie pie! this outfit looks great on you! and i totally love that bracelet!

  40. the dress is one of a kind! and the bracelet is very versatile

  41. Cute dress jen! Hope you're having a great weekend..

  42. Let me just say I am loving your shoes. & these are fantastic photographs as always. xx

  43. Don't be embarressed about your blog! Trust me. I know exactly how you feel--I was way too embarressed to tell anybody, but then it turned out that my friends and family were my greatest fans! (My boyfriend is the very one who coaxed me into telling people about it). They're really supportive. And your blog is so successful and your style is adorable, I don't understand how you could ever be shame! Keep up the amazing work.

  44. Oooh I love this,you look beautiful!

  45. You look so cute!!!

    Merci beaucoup for stopping by darling =]

    Have a great weekend!

    Stay safe and chic ma chérie,
    English Rose x

  46. your park looks lovely
    and i love your quirky dress!
    those black wedges are cool too

    just follow you on bloglovin
    will you follow back?

    and if you don't mind, link my blog to yours?

    i would really appreciate it

  47. Your blog is so lovely! All your friends should be your fans! :p
    The background is perfecty green *_* love it!
    And I'm fallen in love with your shoes! *_*

  48. Love the pattern on this dress!

  49. This is a seriously great post,
    You have such a good blog. I love reading your new posts!! And thanks for you sweet sweet comment on my last post, i really appreciate it!
    Panda xx

  50. aww you look so fresh and happy with that beautiful outfit!

    anyway, i've followed you :)

    The Spoof.

  51. Really love the print of that dress!

  52. the dress is great!
    :) I would wear without any doubt.;)


  53. Great outfit! I dunno how many times I've set my camera up and some random person is nearby, looking at me oddly lol


  54. looking lovely as usual. i love the little print on that dress. Aww too bad you're not going to the beach, the weather is so beautiful these days.

  55. Sorry you can't get to the beach - the weather is so nice! I so love you sandals, what's better than a nice strappy wedge, right?

    Chic on the Cheap

  56. Very stylish outfit! I love how you can make an all neutral outfit look stunning, good job!

  57. how did I miss this post??? that's such a cute t-shirt dress!makes me crave for some seafood, hahahaha! and congrats on the new sponsor :) I checked their website and they sell a lot of great stuff! :D

  58. things i love:
    1. that dress
    2. those shoes
    3. that bracelet
    4. this blog



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