JennifHsieh is a space for my rambling thoughts and snaps of my everyday style. I'm based in Astoria, Queens and I share a home with my two derpy cats and my equally derpy fiancé.

Hello, 2011.

I decided to kick off the new year on my blog by sharing my checklist for 2011. I'm a little reluctant to call them resolutions since some of them are more like goals or things to do. I'll probably think of more as my year progresses but for now I'm satisfied with just these few.
I'm currently spending the first day of the new year sleeping in, watching movies, and just spending time with some good company. :)

What are your goals for the new year?


  1. I will try to spend less money, go to the gym more often and drink more water (I keep forgetting that, unfortunately). I like your list, goals are more easily achieved when they're written down :)

  2. i like this list :)
    half of this list totally applies to me as well!
    hope you get em all done,

  3. Alright I'll make this easy for you: You can get a summer internship here in California and you will get here by taking a road trip, wearing the "mom" dress, and driving safely. Then once you get here, we will fly a kite, take a picture everyday while you're here, and sketch. I'll fall somewhere (probably while wearing heels since I'm still a newbie) and you can save me, which will make you feel more confident about saving me. We can save money by learning Adobe Illustrator in a coffee shop instead of shopping, and maybe someone will recognize us there. I'll shut up once in a while so you can speak up too :) And who knows maybe you'll figure out what you want to do with your life here in CA and you'll strive to work harder and raise your GPA when you go back in the Fall.

    Sounds like a good plan? :)

  4. I love "Change someone's life". That's such a good one.

    Mine are mostly weight oriented...basically to lose it. So really my goal in 2011 is to be a loser. ;)

  5. Your goals sound wonderful. I especially love that you want to fly a kite, speak up more, and change someone's life. I did a post on my goals on my non-style blog, but in a nutshell: run more, do yoga more, write more, don't buy clothes.

  6. Sounds like some pretty excellent goals :)

  7. Get a job, get a divorce, move to California. (just a few of my goals for 2011.)

  8. Most of my resolutions are about my blog, you should check them out! I like the "take a picture every day" one!

    Lindsey Soup

  9. you have some really good goals for the year and i hope you achieve them all! i don't personally have any resolutions, but your last 3 are things i definitely need to work on!

    good luck & have an awesome new year!


  10. i gotta ask, what's the 'mom' dress?:P

  11. love your checklist! the design is fantastic!

  12. happy new year! and that is the kind of resolution i like: spesific & straight to the point! good luck with it!

    The Spoof.

  13. Love all of your resolutions! I would also like to add find an internship to my resolutions,'s like I'm scared to because if it doesn't happen I would be too disappointed. Though, I suppose even if it's not on a list of resolutions the world can see, it's still bouncing around in my head :P

  14. good luck with all your goals for 2011, happy new year!

  15. uf! i have some many but... are secret jejeje!

    hugs and happy new year :D

  16. love your list!
    many of which apply to me as well.
    good luck with those, and happy new year!
    - your newest follower (:

    jasmine, i love your plan too!

  17. Those are great resolutions!
    I bet you can do them :)

    My resolutions are: to play more guitar, take an outfit photo EVERY day, keep my house clean, keep exercising, and have more fun! :)

  18. Excellent goals! I'm intrigued by the "Mom" dress, and the rest of your ideas are very noble. I made a similar list for my resolutions if you want to see it!


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