JennifHsieh is a space for my rambling thoughts and snaps of my everyday style. I'm based in Astoria, Queens and I share a home with my two derpy cats and my equally derpy fiancé.

Awkward Flock of Birds

Forever 21 Top
Urban Outfitters Skirt (similar)
H&M Belt
Wedges c/o

I originally wasn't going to post these pictures on my blog because of my awkwardly cut bangs - these pictures were from when I first got my bangs cut so they're shorter than my last post.  Also, my hair is still wet from my morning shower and I had a train to catch in approximately 10 minutes while taking these pictures. Normally I would prefer to take my pictures after I come home from work but that would result in a sweat-drenched outfit post. I sound so attractive right now.  The heat brings out my inner beauty and my sweat. 

I'm going to stay inside in the air conditioning and get some work done that I've been meaning to get done. Afterward, movie night with some friends, and then beach tomorrow morning to get my tan on. Burn, skin, burn! >:) Just kidding, I'll slather you up in 200 SPF sunscreen because I love you.


  1. I love this outfit! The print on this top is gorgeous.

  2. the printed top with that mustard skirt is just lovely!

  3. you look so cute and I love the haircut

    Travel in Style

  4. ahhh you got bangs! i think i'm behind on the times. they look super cute :) i had them this past fall and they're alot of fun. annoying sometimes, but fun. and killer shoes!

  5. Not awkward at all. Gross sounding? Nah. That's me too. I guess that makes two of us :) Also, those shoes are so adorable, I can't believe you found those @ csnstores!

  6. I find this to be the cutest outfit!! I love the blouse! And your bangs are cute:) You look a different person though with blunt bangs. It's interesting how bangs can change so many features.

  7. I hate taking pictures after work, or just at the end of the day. I always feel icky. Cute outfit! Love those shoes.

  8. this is such a cute outfit and i'm glad you posted it! i love the pairing of the birds with the yellow skirt. so fun!

    cute & little
    Sproos Shop Giveaway for cute hair accessories!

  9. Wow! I just see you in the bangs.. you look so cute jen!! Love love♥♥
    I love your skirt as well :)

    crunchy cheese me

  10. i'm happy you posted these photos... LOVE mustard yellow :)

    with love,

  11. I almost bought that shirt so many times! If I had gotten it, I probably would've paired it with your mustard yellow skirt too! MISS YOUUUUU!

  12. Jen, you bangs aren't awkward at all, they are adorable! :)

    xx Love & Aloha

  13. I love mustard!
    I love it <3


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