JennifHsieh is a space for my rambling thoughts and snaps of my everyday style. I'm based in Astoria, Queens and I share a home with my two derpy cats and my equally derpy fiancé.

You Got Me Lifted

It's officially spring tomorrow and I could not be more excited! The weather outside was beautiful - the sun was shining and there was the perfect breeze where it's not too cold and not too windy. I love that good weather has the ability to put almost everyone in a better mood. I'm stuck inside doing work for my Convention that's coming up on Saturday but I still can't help but smile knowing that the entire week is full of amazing weather. The one downside that comes with Spring was that I felt my eye allergies kicking in. It's time to stock up on some Visine!

H&M Cardigan, Tank Top, Belt
Zara Skirt
Finale Sunglasses
Aldo Wedges

Every time I wear these shoes it always amazes me how they make my feet look two sizes smaller. It's a bit of an odd look but I love them too much not to wear them. Wearing wedges in general gives me a nervous feeling, now that I think about it. It all started a year ago when I was crossing the street in a pair of my favorite wedges. I stepped in a pothole and literally face-planted in the middle of the crosswalk. To make it worse, the light was green so I wasn't even supposed to be crossing, so a few cars had to wait until I got myself back up. I'm pretty sure I flashed everyone too since I was wearing a skirt. So now whenever I wear wedges I get the sensation of face-planting. Epic fail.

But now I must go detox my body after my spring break and catch up on loads of work. SO PUMPED.


  1. OH HAI MS. ANTM IN THAT FIRST PHOTO! Every time you wear this skirt, I hate myself a little for not getting it when I could. I love the colors of this outfit! Love and miss you Jen! <3

  2. I think that god created u in relax not in rush.You are looking very adorable in that outfit.Especially ur dark-colored sneakers creates u much wonderful.

  3. wedges makes me nervous too, it's probably cause the first time I wore mine, I tripped and fell down a few steps lol Your outfit is super cute- I love that orange skirt!

  4. Office 2007 is a Microsoft office software, Microsoft Office 2010 Professional and Apple Macintosh operating system development.

  5. wedges makes me nervous too, it's probably cause the first time I wore min


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