JennifHsieh is a space for my rambling thoughts and snaps of my everyday style. I'm based in Astoria, Queens and I share a home with my two derpy cats and my equally derpy fiancé.

Where Is My Mind?

Huzzah! I've made it through yet another week and it's finally the weekend. I feel like these weeks just keep flying by faster and faster. Then again, the weekends fly by too. I guess life in general is flying by?

I feel like life outside of college moves at such a quicker pace considering the fact that everything is pretty consistent on the most basic level. I go to work five days a week and then I relax on the weekends. In college, there was always something changing; every few months your classes would change, there's exam seasons, then different assignments, and then spring/winter breaks to spice things up. You would know what time of the year it was based off of certain milestones. Now, those don't really exist anymore and suddenly milestones consist of bigger things like marriage, your first child, getting a raise, and those things aren't so predictable.

American Rag Jacket (similar)
SammyDress Denim Shirt (similar)
Gap Green Ankle Jeans (similar)
Disorderly Conduct Tank c/o Junk Food Clothing
India Boots c/o Blowfish Shoes
Urban Outfitters Patterned Scarf (similar) via Jasmine

This super excited for this upcoming weekend mainly because I have nothing planned. That's right. Absolutely nothing. I haven't had a completely free weekend in the longest time and I'm excited to bum around in my pajamas and catch up on some of my TV shows. Breaking Bad? It's time to bond. A few plans will probably pop up from here to there but it'll be nice to just go with the flow instead of having a strict schedule to follow.

Now I'm heading to a company happy hour to say goodbye to this exhausting week and I'm anticipating a wild night out in the city. What are you guys up to this weekend?


  1. love the shoes jen! relaxing weekends every once in a while are nice. at least the weather will be nice and warm (they are calling for 50s! yay!). tonight i'm heading downtown to my old hood for some sushi...and that really is enough to make me happy all weekend long :)

    1. So thankful for warmer weather this weekend! I hope you had enough sushi to satisfy that craving! Yum! :)

  2. Cute! Perfect casual outfit!


  3. Have you hit any of those milestones? Name your first, second, and fifth child Stephen!

  4. i just love how earthy the tones of this outfit are!! :D and yeah, i totally agree with you on the whole work thing.. it's quite different in terms of changes.. and you're right.. changes now mean actually BIG changes like marriage, newborn babies and even death. wow.. HEAVY!!! hahahaha!!

    anyway, have a good weekend, jen!!
    Click me for my NEW BLOG

  5. LOVE this outfit!! the cut of your chambray top is perfect! and that scarf is just amazing. you always look great!

    The DayLee Journal

  6. what a lovely look! :)

  7. I love your shirt-cut and the shoes looks fabulous! anyway I like the part you talked about life, yes everything is unpredictable, we just have to be ready all the time. so, I ended up stay at home with my brother alone this weekend and we just had a delivery phone call for dinenr *yay* haha

    have a great day, Jen!

    1. I love ordering in food! Sounds like you're having an awesome and relaxing weekend! :)

  8. Lovely casual look ♥ You're so pretty.
    Greets from Berlin, Jasmin

  9. You look lovely and so casual c: xx

  10. Awww, well even though the real life is so different from college in terms of milestones, I'm sure there are still some interesting things to spice life up! Like traveling and seeing people and the like. I don't know, I'm not quite there yet. But I hope you're enjoying your time out of college, Jen!

    I adore that scarf of yours! Eeek, the print is so cute! :D

  11. Looking casual and chic as always! Love the scarf so much! xx

  12. I have to admit that while I'm not normally a fan of blowfish, I love these shoes. Your scarf, jeans and coat are an awesome ensemble too.

    7% Solution​

  13. Cute look! I love simple chambray and graphic tees <3

  14. i'm digging the denim. lovely outfit/photos, missy.

  15. That is true, Jenn. Although I am not finished with college yet, I feel like that's what's going to happen once you work on your own outside the university. It's great how you think that way. :)


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