Guest Blogger | Asia Croson Photography
I love traveling, like so much that if you could use 3 words to describe me you would use “loves to travel” and the rest of my personality kind of just falls to the way side. I’m telling you this so that you know I know what I’m talking about, not so you think I’m a traveling robot with no personality..
Anyway, we all know the benefits to traveling like cultural perspective, life experience, blah blah blah, but let’s be real, when you come home from a trip you don’t tell your friends “I learned so much about how the European diversity contributes to overall peace in the world”, you show them photos. Epic photos.
There are 3 components to a great travel photo: a great memory, a great place, and a great outfit. The first two are easy, but what to wear while traveling is a whole other beast, because you want to wear Mom shoes and a fanny pack and then your photos suck and you CAN’T FIGURE OUT WHY.
Let me help you, you poor soul.
Visit Asia Croson here.
They're all such beautiful photos! I also love to travel, I wish I had the opportunity to travel more though :) xx