JennifHsieh is a space for my rambling thoughts and snaps of my everyday style. I'm based in Astoria, Queens and I share a home with my two derpy cats and my equally derpy fiancé.

Halloweekend (Night 3)

(sweater urban outfitters, belt h&m, khakis gap, boots dsw, jedi cloak halloween store)

Yes. On the actual day of Halloween I dressed up as a Jedi (specifically Obi-Wan Kenobi). And yes, except for the cloak, everything else came out of my closet. Nerd? Yes. Ashamed? A little bit, but not enough to keep it off my blog. I bet some of you guys are wondering where my light saber is. I didn't get an actual full-sized light saber but if you can see tucked into my belt are some light saber chopsticks which I think are pretty bad ass.

I actually took these pictures half a block away from my house. Jeremy, who dressed up as a communist, and I went back to my home neighborhood to trick-or-treat because you're never too old for free candy (although a lot of the people giving candy disagreed).

P.S. When I get to 600 followers I'm hosting another giveaway! :D


  1. There should be no reason at all for feeling ashamed for being nerdy! It's only too bad that you didn't have a legit light saber (though those things are EXPENSIVE, it's ridiculous). I love how Halloween spanned the whole weekend-- I enjoyed all of your costumes, they were cute and creative all on a dime!

    PS: I think I want those chopsticks.

    Toast with Charmalade

  2. LOVE IT!!! YAYYY for Obi!!! hahhaha :D :D I want to wear that right now! Even if it isn't Halloween, haha

  3. I'm certain that you were the cutest Jedi EVER! And I never thought I'd want a Jedi's sweater ... until now! Fab!

  4. THIS IS SO EPIC. I love all of your costume! So amazing, as is your communist friend.

  5. Okay ignore my comments on the last two posts: THIS IS MY FAVORITE COSTUME OF YOURS. Probably because I'm a Star Wars geek too and Obi-Wan is my favorite (Ewan McGregor might have something to do with that...)! At least you're the most adorable Jedi ever :) Haha all you need is the lightsaber (which I have...sadly).

  6. i think you look super cool in this outfit!!!! if that makes me a nerd for saying it, then so be it! hahahaha! :D

    Animated Confessions

  7. I nearly died when I saw this. Jen, you are amazing, hands down. hahah I love this!

  8. Wow, you both look stunning! ;) I like the Jedi outfit, but sadly I've never seen a movie of it!

    xx Marije

  9. Light Saber Chopstick IS badass!:D You really look like Obi-Wan Kenobi!!!!

  10. You make an amazing Jedi! I was Obi-Wan once, too. If I can ever unearth the pictures, goodness... I'll be sure to share! :)

  11. Oh. Mygoodness. If I didn't absolutely love your blog before, i do now! I ADORE your costume!

  12. great Obi-Wan Kenobi costume!!!!! i think out of the 3 this one is my favorite.

  13. whoaaa so creative, and you have those cute costumes as snow white and nurse!!! looking beautiful in each :)

  14. omfg, obi wan! i wanted to dress as darth for halloween but i didn't get a chance to go out. boo.. love the costume.. i'm obsessed with star wars! :)

    - kat


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