JennifHsieh is a space for my rambling thoughts and snaps of my everyday style. I'm based in Astoria, Queens and I share a home with my two derpy cats and my equally derpy fiancé.

Come At Me, Irene!

I've officially, completely moved in to my on-campus apartment! I've still gotta transfer a few things over but otherwise I'm all set. It's been nice being back with my roommates and outfit pictures are a lot more exciting now that I have Monisha, one of my two photographers, back in my life. No more outfit pictures right outside my house in the same exact spot day after day! I was obviously so excited about it that I went a little crazy in these pictures.

Forever 21 Dress
H&M Wedges
Urban Outfitters Ring

It's currently almost pitch black outside and it's a little bit frightening hearing the rain coming down. I'm directly in the path of Hurricane Irene and I'm pretty sure in a few hours shit is gonna get a little crazy. I'm not entirely sure what to expect and I think I'm underestimating how bad it's going to be. I decided to go home for the Hurricane - otherwise I'd be in my dorm alone, sitting in bed, peering out the window, and looking at my empty fridge. I told my mom I was going to venture out into the hurricane with my camera and she told me I was stupid (and as usual, momma knows best).

I've charged up my phone, my laptop, and I've got plenty of reading material lined up (including all the Harry Potter books, YES). Bring it on, Irene! BRING IT ON! To everyone in Irene's path, please stay safe and stay indoors! :)


  1. beautiful photos and cute outfit!! that dress is so adorable <3

  2. Your title cracked me up! Besides stocking up on water, I haven't made any preparations for the hurricane since I live in the inland area of NYC, which is going to be okay. I just hope there won't be any serious flash floods that could ruin my piano :(( Anyway, be safe!

  3. You're so cute Jen (and ridiculously hilarious). Shit is going down, thanks to Irene. Ha. :) I hope you're safe and warm in bed (with Harry Potter!).


  4. It's the dress that got away from me :( I love the dress on you Jen and how you styled it so simply with just heels so it can shine on its own :) I hope you're staying safe! It sounds like you're doing just fine though! <3

  5. She dropped some wind and rain my way Friday and today and some lost power. I know you don't know how to handle hurricanes up there so please be careful!

  6. Love these photos, the hair pic is awesome!! Be safe!


  7. oh, I just read the news in local newspaper about Irene. Be careful, Jen. Stay at home and I hope everything is gonna be okay (:
    anyway, wogh the fourth picture is awesome! I love the stripes dress and your culry hair <3


  8. awrh this is such a lovely dress! Cute wedges too (:


  9. these photos are the best, so cute!
    hope that crazy Irene will be gone soon, stay safe!

  10. such a cute dress! love it


  11. Love the dress! The print is so cute! Ooh stay safe!! Hopefully it wont be too bad! :)

  12. congratulations on your newest milestone! you look like you were perfectly prepared for irene in this nautical style dress - BEAUTIFUL!

    with love,

  13. you look so cute! I hope you are safe now!

    Travel in Style

  14. I hope you survived Irene intact! Loving that dress; it's so cute and "nautical" (whatever that means). Your bangs are growing! Whoohoo!

  15. Jen I am IN LOVE with this dress. Was it a recent purchase? Because I want to hunt one down! :)

    Glad you have your photographers back. So jealous of your awesome photography and talented friends! :)

  16. Haha, cute pictures - I especially like the hair one! I love this stripe dress!

    Meggy from Chasing Davies


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