JennifHsieh is a space for my rambling thoughts and snaps of my everyday style. I'm based in Astoria, Queens and I share a home with my two derpy cats and my equally derpy fiancé.

Dance Around the Totem Pole

Forever 21 Cardigan (similar), Feather Ring
Totem Print Maxi c/o Ever Miss Fashion
Urban Outfitters Necklace (similar)

I wish I thought to show you guys the back of this beautiful maxi dress (which is pretty much just perfect for summer) since it has an awesome braid, but there's always next time, right? I never thought I'd see the day when I would pair baby blue with bright red. In fact, I don't usually think about color pairings in my spare time. Ever. But here I am, rocking this strangely okay color combination. Would you guys ever try it out?

Now I'm heading out to a birthday dinner for one of my co-workers and I can't wait to take a step back from my laptop and enjoy my work-free evening. Today has been absolutely insane and my head hasn't stopped spinning from the moment I walked into my office. Whew!


  1. i LOVE that dress jen! i definitely need to get more maxi dresses into my wardrobe. they are the perfect summer staple!

  2. I loove this dress, it's gorgeous! Such a great colour, and looks great with the red cardigan

  3. love the pairing!!! that maxi dress is a stunner!!! seriously, impressive styling here, dear!

    Click me for my BLOG!

  4. You look amazing in this! I've been looking for the perfect maxi, and you seemed to have found it!

  5. Merhaba,

    GFC yakında kapanıyor. Takibi devam ettirmek için;



    Not: Takip ettiğim tüm blogları bu yerlerden sırayla takibe alıyorum. Haber vermek için böyle bir mesaj girdim. Teşekkürler...


    GFC will not be anymore on 1th July. Keep follow;



    P.S.: Im following from Bloglovin and G+ which i follow with GFC. I want to just tell my connection. Thanks...

  6. I really love baby blue with bright red, and I'd say you're rockin' it well, Miss Jen! I think aqua and red look great together, too, so maybe I'm a bit biased. Nah. YOU LOOK RAD, don't even worry~ I adore your pretty little accessories, too. That feather ring looks so well.

    And I would totally dance around a totem pole with you in this outfit. ;D

  7. ahhh, I love this dress! such a great piece!

  8. I love your dress especially the length, I want something like that. :) You have a nice blog. I am your new follower on GFC & Bloglovin. I hope you will follow me back and I will wait for you in my blog. See you! :)

    XX, IamJenniya

  9. amazing post darling :)
    would you like to follow each other with bloglovin'?

  10. That is a beautiful dress! I love it!

  11. your maxi dress is amazing!!!! love it!!

  12. Baby blue and red are one of my favourite combos!! I pair them all the time :) And I'm loving this dress.


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