JennifHsieh is a space for my rambling thoughts and snaps of my everyday style. I'm based in Astoria, Queens and I share a home with my two derpy cats and my equally derpy fiancé.

Don't Wake Me Up

This weekend is going to be crazy busy and I can feel the stress piling on already. There's just so much to get done but I have almost no time to do it all! I have three different meetings and/or events for Circle K and I keep forgetting that I have work to do for my classes. It's so hard to put my academics as my top priority sometimes but I'm trying to remind myself from time to time that I'm still a student. 

At least this weekend will be a ton of work mixed in with some of my best friends in the world. My friend Donnesh (you met him here) is visiting for the weekend from Texas and I'm dragging him around Jersey. He's ridiculously fashionable so I can't wait to post some of the outfits he's going to be wearing this weekend as well. :)

American Rag Coat
Gap Cardigan, Striped Top
American Apparel Skirt
Urban Outfitters Belt
HUE Dark Blue Tights
Blowfish Shoes Flats


  1. Cute outfit! Hang in there this weekend!

  2. LOVE this outfit!!
    and ugh...I hate stressful weekends, NOT FUN!

  3. awww hang in there! i'm sure you'll come out just fine :D and i really like the colour of your skirt!

  4. I am just loving the green in that skirt. You look fab. Try to keep yourself from getting too stressed out this weekend. You lead such a busy life!!

  5. I love your skirt! you look very sweet.
    I hope your weekend turns out very well. ♥

  6. You always have the best skirts--love this color combo.

  7. Stressssss– definitely learning new meanings of the word since spring semester has started. Great green colour and good luck with everything that you have to do! It'll all work out! xx

  8. Sorry to hear that you're stressed out with all that stuff. I feel you though on finding the balance between extra-currics and academics. Sometimes I forget to keep up my energy and focus on academics too because I'm consumed by other things, but checklists help a lot! Plus, it always feels good to cross things off when you're done.

    Make sure to give yourself a nice break and time to relax! Looking forward to seeing pictures of you and your fashionisto friend!

    Love this look, as always :)


  9. So so glad I have come across your blog in my internet travels, fabulous layout and content! Good luck with the studies, you'll get there. :)

  10. I love this skirt, the colour and shape of it is just perfect! Love how you paired it with the striped top too!

  11. I forgot to comment on this post, but I read it as soon as it was published. I love love love love this outfit Jen (obviously). I will try to recreate it somehow, but I need that cardigan. That skirt. And that Cardigan. Oh and of course I need you!!!

    I miss youuuuuuuuuuu.


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