JennifHsieh is a space for my rambling thoughts and snaps of my everyday style. I'm based in Astoria, Queens and I share a home with my two derpy cats and my equally derpy fiancé.

Peplum and Polka Dots on Flock Together

I'm blogging over at Flock Together today, styling up Ashley's polka dotted skirt!
Go check it out. :)


  1. Awesome collab sorta c: Love
    the polka dot skirt! Xx

  2. I keep finding myself pinning your outfits! I am obsessed with dots lately. I had the realization that I wore different polka dots to work for the last two days as I was picking out my dotted flats for tomorrow... I think I might need to mix it up!

    I love the other ways it's been styled but it just looks so classic with your top.

  3. so lovely!!


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