JennifHsieh is a space for my rambling thoughts and snaps of my everyday style. I'm based in Astoria, Queens and I share a home with my two derpy cats and my equally derpy fiancé.

Going with the Flow

Orange Crush Dress c/o Literary Dresses
Suede & Patent Heels c/o Lulu*s
Shoemint Satchel
Urban Outfitters Necklace (similar)

Can you guys believe it's August already? It's the homestretch until the end of Summer which means another year has come and gone. I never really felt like the beginning of the year was in January, although it did make sense - it's the New Year, the calendar starts over, and everything is reborn as springtime comes around. But I guess being stuck in the education system for over a decade really messes with your brain and it makes me think September is the true start to a new year and the time for fresh starts and new beginnings.

It's actually making me realize that I should probably check up on my neglected resolutions/goals. Come to think of it, did I even make any? Wait, I did. Over half the year is over and I've only crossed off taking another road trip. One is better than none, right? How are you guys doing with yours?

P.S. This beautiful dress was made by Blow My Skirt Up, a mother-daughter duo. Go check it out!


  1. So much fun! Love the look!

  2. Beautiful dress and great pics!

    Robyn xo

  3. It's always confused me how you start school in the middle of the year in the northern hemisphere! Living in Australia, I've been conditioned to associate Christmas and new beginnings with the summertime. Anyway, I'm really loving your dress! It looks perfect for the hotter months.

  4. Hahahah resolutions--whhhhaaaaat are those? I don't want to look at mine. That would be scary and I probably wouldn't even have one crossed off LOL. High five for getting at least one off, awwwww yiss.

    You are babin' here, Jen. That second picture with your hair pushed back? YOUR HAIR LOOKS SEXY PUSHED BACK. Mean Girls reference. Anyway, really, it does. Stay classy, classy lady.

  5. Gorgeous dress! I love (:
    You look amazing!

  6. what a cute dress.. and yep, agree to that! for me, the end of summer means the end of the year. have a great day!

    xo, Carla

  7. The website was down but is now up and running. Check it out.

  8. so sweet!

  9. Fun to see you in Red. I think of September as the new year too, but then, as I work in the school system... lol! It is the new year.

  10. Really cool outfit.
    One resolution is definitely better than none!
    And great point about the "end of the year" being August. I never realized that I think like that too! You are wise.

  11. Love this dress!! It's awesome that it's a mother/daughter duo that makes everything!!
    I see September as the start of the new year too, new season!

  12. Such a cute outfit! Love the dress!

  13. Red is soooooo your color! I love this dress on you!

    Xo, Hannah

  14. Love the simple black straped sandals and this dress is gorgeous! I love the ties on the shoulders, such a nice touch.

  15. Ummm I think you need to make your resolution of coming to the west coast come true!!!!!! I am ready for you babe! We can go to Disneyland and go to a real beach ;)

    Love this color on you!


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